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"Fine you win"

The Masters Heir Chapter Two-New Home And A Cover Story.

Vlad had taken Danny to the mansion he had built in amity park. Danny had never known this was here but he didn't care to take notice. Danny hadn't noticed when they landed either. Vlad took notice of this and poked him in the face to make sure he was still alive. Danny let out a mumbled cry of surprise. Danny couldn't form words he was too tired. The flight Vlad has taken him on (as plasmius of course) was about an hour maybe half and it was late enough when they left. Danny would say it was roughly 11-11:30, and Vlad would agree. Neither spoke as Vlad entered the glittering double doors of his amity park 'house' as he calls it. Vlad places Danny on the couch in his front room and went to go let staff know there was a visitor. He was also going to get him some cocoa and a snack as he never got to finish his previous one. Danny sleepily looked around from where he was lying. He was trying not to fall asleep. This is after all somewhere he did not go willingly. However sleep decided it no longer wanted to wait and Danny drifted off. Once Vlad had returned he put both mugs down. His having coffee and young Danny's having cocoa. He turned to the boy to hand him his, only to find him peacefully asleep. Vlad couldn't help the small bout of laughter that escaped. There he was sleeping soundly even though he said he'd never join him. Although right now he didn't really have a choice. It was safety over matter. All that mattered was the last unshakeable feeling that the new morning would be a horribly painful one. Vlad left the cocoa on the table and picked up a book. He sat down in an arm chair beside the couch and began to read and enjoy his coffee in occasional sips. Soon enough Vlad had fallen asleep himself.

~le time skip~

Danny woke up early that morning. It was about 8 in the morning. He jumped up and rushed for his school stuff only to find they it was nowhere he could see. He quickly scanned the room and spotted Vlad asleep in an uncomfortable position. How can anyone sleep like that!? That's gotta hurt right? That's when Danny remembered the last nights events. He mentally face palmed before smirking evilly. He quietly snuck up behind Vlad.

"WAKE UP FROOTLOOP!" Danny yelled right in his ear.

Vlad frantically got up startled while Danny was rolling on the floor laughing until his sides hurt.

"Really now Daniel....must you be like that?" Vlad said slightly tired.

"I'm late for school Vlad." Danny stated simply.

"That's alright. Your not going today. It's Monday no one will miss you today." Vlad said not really listening.

"Vlad I have a test this afternoon. A REALLY IMPORTANT test." Danny said insisting it was to be done.

"Fine. I guess we will do school stuff sooner than I wanted to." Vlad signed.

"School stuff?" Danny asked curiously.

"I was planning to get you new supplies. Your old ones have seen better days and were left behind. We also need to get you new clothing, a phone so I can actually get you when I need, and some stuff to occupy you while your room is assembled." Vlad said in a sort of know it all tone.

"Alrighty. I guess we can do that today, but I go to school right after!" Danny said still insistent.

"We will get clothing first so that I can have your properly dressed." Vlad said motioning for Danny to follow.

"What's wrong with my clothing!?" Danny asked offended.

"Little badger you and I have a different opinion in clothing. You will have casual clothing but mostly for school or home. You will still get to choose don't worry." Vlad explained slightly amused.

"Fine." Danny finally agreed.

"Your taking this rather well. I thought you'd be more angry." Vlad said slightly amused.

"Yeah well, I guess I just like to be paid attention to......not always ignored" Danny pointed out mumbling the last part.

Even though it was mumbled Vlad still heard it nonetheless. Vlad motioned for Danny to follow him as he started to walk down a longer hallway.

"Where are we going?" Danny asked curiously.

"Unless you don't want breakfast...." Vlad smirked.

Danny perked up a bit at the mention of breakfast. He nodded eagerly and began to prod Vlad to go faster.  Vlad let out a soft chuckle and began to walk a little faster. Once Danny was sure they were at the right door he bolted in front of Vlad. He held the door long enough for Vlad to enter an then ran around tables until Vlad told him where to sit.

"I'm not calling you father....you'll have to live with uncle Vlad....." Danny pointed out.

"Little badger I never expected you to. If you want to, then so be it. But as your 'uncle' I'm keeping you here to make sure you stay safe. Now, waffles or something more fancy?" Vlad responsed.

"Hmm....waffles." Danny answered.

~Le Time Skip~

Danny continued to watch as people around the mall stared at him. He shrank back behind Vlad a little starting to feel uncomfortable. He followed as Vlad entered a clothing store. Vlad picked out a few things and had Danny try them in along with multiple other things before he was satisfied. After Danny had picked a favourite he had changed into it and was allowed to wear the outfit out after Vlad had paid for his items.

"See Daniel isn't that much better? Now less people are staring at you." Vlad said jokingly.

"Yeah I guess so." He replied.

Danny looked at a nearby clock. It was currently 10:25. As long as Danny was in school by 1:00, he'd be on time for his test. That's when Danny noticed the A-listers. 'Skipping again' Danny thought as he rolled his eyes. Unfortunately for Danny, Dash had noticed him. He groaned as the taller boy came up to him.

"Hey Fenton! Why are you here?" He yelled.

"None of your business Dash." Danny replied.

"Well I just made it my business fentonia." Dash retorted.

"Dash I don't have time for this, Vlad and I are busy. Can't you see or has your hair dye seeped into your brain?" Danny yelled back.

Dash was taken aback. No one knew about that! That's when he noticed the confused mayor masters standing near by. 'Why was fenturd with masters?' He asked silently. Danny slipped away and rejoined what he was doing.

Front room= living room
Cocoa= hot chocolate.

Some people may be confused this is to clarify for any confusion. Any questions feel free to comment them. If you'd like to PM/DM those are always open as well!

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