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Sorry for the long wait! I finally decided what I wanted to do with this chapter. Thanks to all of you who supported me in the wait for this chapter. It means a lot. Anyway, I'll stop talking and let you all enjoy the update!

Vlad had read until he was at a good stopping point. Danny had finally fallen asleep. Vlad pulled the  blanket up further and turned his reading lamp off.
"Good night little badger......."

The Masters Heir Chapter Four- a ghostly trip

Danny woke up early the next morning, and grabbed his school stuff which was still sitting beside the sofa. He made his way to the dining room and sat down. He was hopeful dash wouldn't say anything about yesterday, and that his parents wouldn't be mad at him for staying with Vlad the last three days. He knew his father wouldn't be mad, but he wasn't sure if his mom would or not. The one thing he was happy about was he still had Sam and tucker.
Danny looked up as Vlad started idle conversation. Danny looked around and noted the two maids and the butler off to the side. 'Damn' he thought.

"Danny be careful today, if they find out about him they wou-" Vlad began but Danny cut him off.

"I know. Don't worry father. Everything will be fine, I promise I'll stay safe." Danny promised using 'father' because staff were around.

"Alright. You shouldn't have to worry about anyone other than the warden." Vlad said casually.

Danny nodded and the two ate their breakfast in silence. Even though Danny would never admit it, it was was kind of nice to be living with Vlad. All of his enemies were Vlad allies, so they stayed off his back. (Most of the time).

"Daniel..." Vlad said out of nowhere.

"Yes?" He replied.

"If you need me, make sure to call me. You have your phone, right?" Vlad asked.

"Of course, thank you." Danny replied as the staff began to leave.

"Well i don't want to be late, see ya later Vlad!" Danny said as soon as the staff were out of earshot.

He got up and followed the leaving staff. Danny got into the limo and waved to the drivers as he sat down.

"Good morning young Masters, will mr. Masters be joining us today?" The driver asked.

"No, he's working from home today. He should be joining us on the way back as he usually does however." Danny replied.

The driver nodded his head and pulled the car into drive. (Yes I know it's a limo, but I'm calling it a car). The drive to Casper High was a quiet but pleasant drive. Danny thanked the driver as he closed the door. His class was already gathered by the front door in the yard.

"Ah! Daniel, your the last one. Okay we have everyone now." Lancer said as he checked Danny's name off.

Danny looked around and noticed Sam and tucker had slipped off behind the side of the school. 'What are they up to?' Danny thought. He found a safe spot and turned intangible. He made his way cautiously over to the two hiding teens. Danny hadn't noticed when his intangibility slipped, as a silent tear rolled away down his cheek. Danny ran as fast as he could. Seeing the bus (the Fenton spectre speeder) he bolted onto it. Sam and tucker watched as Danny fled, not noticing the small drops that fell from his face. They also noticed the rest of the leaving students and ran to join them.
Jack and Maddie looked up to see Danny as he sat down in the nearest seat. Danny had wiped the tears away but his eyes were sttill red and puffy, which Maddie took notice of.

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