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Danny put his receiver down and smirked. Now all he had to do was wait....Danny bid vlad goodnight and headed up to bed to await the mornings events.
Chapter 17: Seemingly uneventful

As Danny woke up to his alarm, he grabbed his remote and flipped to the news before pulling himself out of bed. He listened as he went threw his routine and got dressed.

"This morning to bodies were found burned beyond recognition at the site of a large forest fire. They appear to be high school students that were bound to two of the forests trees unabated to escape the fire. One body was confirmed to have already been dead prior, whereas the other was burned alive. One body was found beside charred rope, and appears to male, while the other was found bound to the tree by steel beams appearing to be female. The police suspect foul play but no killer has been identified. However they have a lead. A young male called in the fire but sadly there is no way to trace the call as a pay phone was used to call it in. That's all the information we have at the moment but stay tuned for an update. Remember, if you get any information, call the local athourities. " The news woman spoke.

Danny smirked. They'd never find the killer, because their killer did not wish to be found. Danny paused as the reality of the situation finally hit him. It hit hard too. Oh god what had done!? What had he become!? They deserved it didn't they....didn't they!? He honestly couldn't tell anymore. He was so angry, that he didn't really care who got hurt.... it was too late now. He wouldn't feel guilty for it. He wouldn't. He couldn't. Danny hadn't realized until now, but he seemed to be less interested in expressing emotion lately. Like he didn't have any, or had no interest in how he was feeling. Was this normal? He'd have to ask vlad. The raven pulled out a black leather jacket with a gray collar and grey cuffs which was fairly thin, a solid red T-shirt and a dark purple/blue pair of jeans. Danny quickly got dressed and went through his morning routine, grabbing his school things and striding out of his room. He greeted vlad at the table, depositing his belongings beside his chair. This morning the chef had prepared a bagel bottom topped with a layer of farmer sausage, bacon strips and then a poached egg or two. The top was toasted and placed neatly off to the side with a layer of creamed honey adorning its surface. Danny ate the top first, as did vald, before the boy began on the larger breakfast item. Shortly before breakfast came to a close Daniel asked vlad about his lack of emotion and caring.

"Why is it happening?" Danny asked in utter frustration.

"Well you did just commit two murders Daniel. Surely that could be the cause?" Vald informed.

"Good point..." Danny mumbled.

Danny grabbed his things and bid vlad a good day, opting to fly to school instead of get a ride. When Danny arrived, he met dash, kwan, star and paulina on the football bleachers and the group just laughed about random things. Classes were going smoothly until mid way through third period. The lights had gone out and had scared a few of the girls. Danny didn't think much of it, until his ghost sense went off. 'Oh great.' He drawled boredly in his mind.
Another new crazy ghost... to his shock and surprise it wasn't one crazy ghost, it was two. Kind of. It was two body's connected by one tail and it was very clear who the two ghosts were.

"Is that the goth girl and the geek!?" Paulina screamed in surprise.

"Why would they come here, and since when are they dead!?" Kwan asked.

"Since Danny murdered us!" Both ghosts yelled.

"I have no idea what your talking about!" Danny yelled in anger.

His plans wouldn't be ruined now. Boy because of these two, and not because of their petty and irrelevant existence.

"Why would we lie?" Tucker ghost yelled in fury.

"Because you obviously hate him. It was obvious since before you were dead you despised him!" Dash yelled.

Many other students in the class came to Danny's surprising defence. The duo ghost knew it's plan to take down their former best friend was failing, so they had made the wise decision to retreat for the time being. Class resumed normally until lunch, where all their questions broke loose. Most directed at what the two and what their problems were, but a few, at the drastic accusations.

"Guys. I'd never murder someone you know that." Danny laughed uncomfortably.

"Of course we do. Besides, no one is going to believe ghosts. Their evil. Danny phantom was the only one that seemed to be good, but he's disappeared..." Paulina said sadly.

"Why don't we do something fun this week. It's currently Friday, and the next two weeks are summer vacay!" Dash tried to lighten the mood.

"That's a great idea. I'll ask my father if we can borrow the villa in England. It's a luxurious elegantly styled gothic villa, with plenty of activities." Danny prompted.

"Are there horses!?" Paulina asked.

"Of course." Danny said smugly.

"We're in!" Star and Paulina both yelled at the same time.

After that staff had decided students were finished school for the day and each headed home. There was nothing special about the day, but Danny was excited to plan his first actual spring vacation, that he'd actually enjoy! As soon as Danny was in the door, he was running up the stairs and into vlad's study.

"Vlad you wont believe what happened today-" Danny said throwing the door open quickly continuing to yell about nothing audible.

He was giddy with excitement to ask his father if he could make a decision for himself, and he was more than ready for anything thrown his way. That was what he wanted to say, but what was thrown at him, was the last thing he was ready for. Vlad day at his desk, head in his hands prompting Danny to walk in carefully before he quietly sat down beside the older man.

"Oh Daniel, your home. How was your day? Vlad asked brushing his clothing off and sitting up like nothing had happened.

"Dad? What's wrong?" Danny asked.

The feeling vlad got when Danny called him that was pure joy. He was glad the child regarded him that way, after their previous stances in life, but how could he tell Daniel the truth after he had just been so sincere. The man knew the boy meant well, but he couldn't risk telling the boy right now. After all it could wait until morning right?

Sorry it's a bit of a filler chapter. There will be some intriguing stuff next update I promise. It's an unexpected twist that I wasn't sure I was going to add or not!

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