Dad: If you ever talk to the principal of any other adult like that again I will knock your damn teeth out. Got me?

Me: Yes sir.

I knew that was coming. But at least I ain't get in trouble today.

I went in my room and put on something comfortable before I went downstairs with everyone else.

My mom was sitting there with my lil sister trying to get her to stop crying.

I walked over and she handed her to me.

She stopped crying and looked up at me.

Me: You just wanted your big Sis didn't you mamas?

She smiled up at me.

My mom smiled at us.

She was going to find an apartment and move out but my dad told her to stay here with us since she just had the baby and she would need some help with her.

I rocked her back and forth and she eventually went to sleep. I laid her down in her playpen that was down here and then I went to the kitchen to find something to snack on. My ass is fat as hell and I'm always eating something.

I got some chips and a soda and then I went back to the living room.

Me and Liyah sitting on the couch watching the TV when Paris comes downstairs.

Paris: Hey Tati, hey Liyah.

Liyah spoke to him but I rolled my eyes and kept looking at the TV.

Paris: Tati, you still mad at me?

I look at him and then turn back to the TV.

Paris: Liyah, will you please tell her to talk to me?

Liyah: Tati, why you ignoring him?

Me: He knows why.

I got up and walked past him up stairs to my room.

I lay down on my bed and text Sarah.
Two Weeks Later

Tatiana POV

It's been two weeks and me and Paris are constantly arguing back and forth. And if we're not arguing, we're completely ignoring each other.

I just walked out my room to go downstairs to the kitchen and Paris was going that way too.

He was in my way going towards the stairs so I politely asked him to move out my way. He just gon act like he ain't hear me.

So I pushed him out my way and went on my way down the stairs.

I was in the kitchen at the sink when Paris came downstairs.

Paris: Really Tati?

Me: What?

Paris: You ain't have to push me.

Me: I asked you to move and you didn't!

Paris: I might have if you gave me a chance to!

Our dad came downstairs to see what the yelling was about.

Dad: What the hell going on down here?

Neither one of us said anything.

Dad: So now can't neither one of y'all talk?

I looked off towards the doorway and Paris looked somewhere but we did not look at him.

Dad: Both of y'all go in the living room.

We ain't move.

Dad: Now!

We both went in the living room and sat on opposite ends of the couch.

Dad: What has been going on between y'all two these last couple of weeks?

Me: Nothing.

Dad: No it's something. Y'all have been at each others throats and when y'all weren't arguing, y'all was ignoring each other. So imma ask again. What is going on between y'all two?

I'm so frustrated right now. And I know my dad and Paris know this cause my leg is shaking up and down.

Dad: I don't know what y'all had planned to do but I got all day so we gon sit here until y'all two decide to talk and make up.

It was quiet for a good 20 minutes before Paris turned to me.

Paris: Tati I'm sorry.

I look at him.

Me: Are you?

Paris: Yes I am. I was wrong for what I did and I'm sorry. I miss being cool with you lil sis. We was best friends before all of this and I want to go back to that.

Me: I'm sorry too. I should've never let that come between us. I want everything to go back to how it was before any of this happened cause we are best friends and I miss you too.

We got up and hugged.

Dad: Now see. That wasn't that hard to do.

Me: No it wasn't. I was just being stubborn.

Our dad called everyone else downstairs and then we had a family movie day and chilled for the rest of the day.
Chapter 7 coming soon

His Daughter-The Bad ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora