Mrs. Kudo arrived straight towards Mouri Detective Agency where she knew Shinichi would be. As if on cue loud shouts could be heard from inside, "GET THAT DETECTIVE BRAT OUT OF MY WAY!", it was Detective Richard Moore. Shinichi was trying to get information on his latest murder case and he ended up annoying the detective. Ran stayed at the door looking at the scene transpiring. Her father acting like a drunk idiot trying to swat the teenage detective.

The doorbell rang and Ran answered. Overjoyed to greet Yukiko, Ran ran (pun intended) over to the door. Mrs.Kudo hugged everyone in an overly dramatic over enthusiastic way. Once she came to Shinichi she hugged then smacked him, "that's what you get for not inviting your own mother, or CALLING me once in awhile". Shinichi tried to come up with a smart remark, but failed seeing it was Christmas (or whatever you celebrate). Ran and Moore stood there at the mother and son quarrel as they sweatdrop. (can someone say awkward).

As soon as Yukiko calms herself she explains that Yusaku would be joining them soon at Shinichi's house with the gifts.


Linnea and Livie moved up towards the street and walked through the crowded sidewalks. Weaving through the crowded walkways it wasn't surprising that they eventually bumped into someone. No one seemed to take mind and went around the scene.

"Oh! I am so sorry!", Livie says as she is helped up by Linnea. They two bow apologetically to the stranger and he seems unfazed. He stands up and practically greet the twins. That stranger was none other than Yusaku. He wasn't mad more of amused as the twins scattered to return all the fallen gifts. "Why don't you two come and help me out with these gifts". He was pretty much discreetly inviting them over as well as getting help with all the gifts.

The two practically buried themselves in wrapped boxes and carried them following close behind Yusaku to Shinichi's home.

Back to Shinichi's house

Yukiko thought out loud to the others, "this house seems so empty as if missing something".

Ding Dong!

"I'll get it!", Ran exclaims as she walks over to the door. Yukiko had already invited everyone (characters before turning into Conan), Eva Kaden (Ran's mom), Richard Moore (Ran's dad), Serena Sebastian, Heiji Hattori, Kazuha Toyama, Hiroshi Agasa ect...

Ran and the others looked at the door to see Yusaku followed by two walking piles of boxes. Ran greeted Yusaku, "Hello Mr. Kudo, and the two piles of gifts?", she questioned. Yusaku replied with removing a few boxes and moving them towards the tree to reveal the identical twins.

"They helped me with carrying everything, so I thought they could join us", he said scratching the back of his head. Yukiko on the other hand ran towards the freezing girls and hugged them. No one else in the room knew what was going on, but Yukiko was happy.

She looked at the girls and shouted, "this house was missing children!". Neither Linnea nor Livie had any words to describe how it felt. Being embraced with this warmth felt nice, it had been a while since they felt cared about. Yukiko stared for a minute before adding, "will it be okay with your parents?". The atmosphere had slightly changed to uncomfortable, everyone stopped their conversations to listen to the reply.

Livie looked down at the floor trying to avoid the question, while Linnea spoke up in a wanting to cry, but staying strong kind of way, "they won't mind they are not around at the moment and we don't have any plans", she spoke with a closed eye smile.

Everyone seemed to understand and without another word the festivities began. From activities such as a home cooked meal, to small games, everything meant the world to the twins.

In the back of the room

Shinichi sat with Heiji discussing.

Shinichi spoke first, pointing to surprising guest, "Heiji, I feel as if I've seen them before". Heiji replied with a stern look and, "I agree, it couldn't be right? I mean the dead don't come back to life?". A thick atmosphere surrounded them as they thought about them.

They didn't know how right their suspicions were, but it was Christmas (or whatever you celebrate), they decided to leave their thoughts at that and continue with the party.

Little did they know there was another surprising guest pretending to mix into the crowd. One guest never made it to the party Inspector Joseph Meguire. While the two detectives stayed suspicious to the twins, KID had his share of fun for the night. No one seemed to notice he wasn't wearing his signature tie instead it was a slightly lighter shade of green. (and no one asked him about the party anyways).

Back to the party

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Back to the party

Yukiko hugged the two children once again. They were so grateful for what they were given, they weren't given gifts, but being in their presence with all the love and warmth of the atmosphere of the house was more than enough for them.

After what seemed like hours, Lennia looked at Livie. Livie looked back with sad eyes at the crowd of people and sighed, she knew what they had to do.

The two spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "Thank You for everything, everyone thanks for being so kind, allowing us to celebrate this holiday with you truly meant the world" the spoke in unison. Without another word or waiting for their response they ran out the door. Ran had seen them go and they were leaving in slow motion for a minute while she tried to hold back the feeling that they would not get the chance to see them again.

Yet she would unknowingly help them in their journey to protect everyone, that they now cared for in this universe. 

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