26. Love Conquers all

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Hlo darlings

Happy birthday Nakul 😍💖 but sorry bcz I didn't wish u on Insta or Twitter bcz I didn't want to give faltu ki publicity to a certain shit show. I'll compensate everything once this shit ends, My Anika's pinky promise💖

A big SORRY because this again, is an OS based on the track when veer kidnapped Anika and, it is also a pregnancy track as my dear Harchana wanted. So please forgive me for writing similar track.

Harchana dear hope you'll like it. Although I don't know what I've written.

One whole month full of tiring and stressful events and to top that off, he couldn't share his feelings with her due to lack of time, it was awful.

But finally when he took her in his arms and her smile made him forget everything. All what he could remember was she kissed him and snuggled to him like a small baby lying over the sand under the night sky.

After coming to goa leaving Oberoi mansion they had settled here. It wasn't difficult for them to settle due to privilege they got after saving the bus of school kids from the terrorists attack.

The difficult part was to cope up with the loss of their family. It was really difficult to live in this mansion all alone. Not that they didn't like each other's company but in Oberoi mansion they used to be surrounded by one or the other family member and it was really a blessing.

For Shivaay it was still fine because Anika didn't let him be alone whenever he was home. Otherwise he would be busy with his work. He had decided to start a small business and he named it 'Anshi' constructions.

Anika was the one suffering more than him. He would go to work and starting the business wasn't a task to be done with negligence or in hurry. So he would be late and she would be all alone at home. But she never complained because she knew he would leave everything for her comfort. "It would be fine after some Days" she would think and console herself.

Then came their neighbours, Mr. Veer Pratap Chauhan and his wife Mrs. Monali veer pratap Chauhan. Shivaay was happy that finally Anika won't be alone. Contrary to that, Anika wasn't happy at all, don't know why ? Whenever she saw Veer or Monali, she would become silent. In Anika's words, they gave her different kind of vibes, a michmichi kinda feeling.

At first it was fine but after their arrival, Anika started experiencing strange things. Hearing the bell sound while sleeping when Shivaay couldn't hear it at all, getting locked in the store room when actually she didn't even want to close the door and many other things. She shared everything with Shivaay but whenever he tried to find it, it was all normal. After a few days, she stopped telling him and kept everything to herself.

Shivaay wasn't a kid who couldn't understand what all of this was causing to Anika. She was getting affected badly and he had to do something. He didn't voice out his feelings infront of her because he knew she would deny saying "I'm fine, Shivaay."

Last night when he returned home he found her awake and greeted him with a small smile. That smile gave him pain because it was one of those fake smiles she would give to him when she would be tensed. She prepared dinner for both of them and they had it silently, much to Shivaay's disappointment.

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