[7] - Tell Me Why

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Lunch wasn't really much to talk about. Ethan had tried making food, which ended in complete disaster, and so Grayson tried taking over, through all of Ethan's protests. We just had simple hamburgers, since there wasn't much else to make due to the roads being closed off and the lack of groceries.

I didn't speak much during lunch, except the occasional giggle that would vibrate through my lips whenever someone cracked a joke. I mean, I'm obviously uncomfortable. I mean, I miss him. God, I miss him so much and the fact that I can't run into his arms and never let go kills me.

But it was his decision to pretty much block me out of his life. No matter how hard I tried to come up with a reason as to why he'd want to, my mind went blank. Maybe he doesn't love me anymore? I know he used to, you could read it in his eyes, in his smile, in his actions.

The more I thought about it, I just wanted to cry. But I can't, I can't keep caring when he doesn't.

Hours flew by and it was eventually 5 in the afternoon. Everyone was kind of scattered around, however, we were all talking. Madison and Grayson were sitting on the couch, cuddled together. I envied her relationship with Grayson. I envied how all the time they spent apart, they never lost a single ounce of their love. I sat on the single couch, cuddled up with my knees and a blanket while I spoke with fans on Twitter. Ethan was eating an apple, leaning against the fireplace.

They were talking about what Ethan's recent show and the cool stunts he got to try out. Then they started talking about New Jersey and all the fun stuff they did during the past 2 years. I received a notification from Justin saying he wanted to call me.

"I think I need some fresh air," I announced as I stood up, everyone's eyes at me.

"It's a little cold, don't you think?" Madison asked with a crooked smile.

"I'll be right," I nodded small and continued my way outside to their back porch. I sat in one of the chairs that outlooked the city. The view itself made me imagine life if Ethan and I had stayed together.

Waking up every morning, sitting out on our back porch that overlooked the entire Hollywood city. He would come sit with me, handing me a cup of coffee and we'd just sit there together. He'd hold me, and I'd rest on his chest in a such a silence that it screamed love.

I remembered vaguely of a time when Ethan as describing an idea he had for his back garden. I remember flowers and a water fountain, but the memory is quite distant.

I huddled into a ball, pulling my knees so close into my chest just to feel warmth. I pulled my phone out and dialled Justin's number. It rang for two second and then he answered.

"Hey," his voice was frustrated, but he softened the tone for me.

"Hey, hows everything going?" I asked.

He sighed, "we found her. Her names Maria. Turns out she went on live TV to talk about the whole thing. She said one night I invited her to my place and we had sex, and that I'd impregnated her. She even faked a DNA test! I know that's not my baby, I don't even have a clue what this girl wants. God, Lena, everyone's sending me hate for being such a horrible person, even your fans are wishing me death."

I exhaled deeply, "I'll try to keep my fans under control, okay? It'll be alright, there's gotta be holes in the story and we'll work through it." I tried to reassure him.

"Thanks, Lena, it really means the world." I could hear him smile on the other end, "you sound distressed, is everything alright with you? Where are you?"

"I'm at Ethan's house," I frowned, "Madison set me up and before I could leave, they closed off the roads."

"Damn," he sighed, "but would this really be a bad thing? This is your chance to work things out. Talk to him, Elena. You never know what his reasoning is, in fact, maybe this could be your chance to rekindle."

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