[4] - The Interview

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"You're on in 15," my manager yelled as she knocked on my door.

I had quickly changed out of the dress I was wearing and swapped it for a black one, however this one had tight long sleeves and it stopped a little higher than mid thigh. I quickly, with help from my stylist, was able to pull my hair into a high ponytail, so silky it swung swiftly when I moved.

I kept my black thigh high boots, completing the look.

You know how a lot of celebrities are knowing for certain ways they dress? Mine was my thigh highs.

"Coming," I yelled as I calmed myself.

This is it, Elena. You're going to talk to him.

I'm going to talk to him.

Oh my god, I'm actually going to talk to him. I'm going to be in his presence, his attention towards me, his eyes on me, his words towards me. I'm just freaking myself out.

I quickly remembered all the answers my manger told me to say when they asked certain questions, so I couldn't give too much away with anything.

I got up off the chair, and walked backstage, waiting for them to call me on.

"You can do it," Madison winked as she rubbed my arm.

I nodded with a forced smile. Can I though?

I started practising my smile, so it would seem believable.

"Please welcome," Kane smiled as he turned to face me, "Elena Salgado."

I took a deep breath and walked out to the stage, and waved at everyone who cheered again.

Kane and I had met at my first LA party. He was really friendly and welcoming, but he sure knows how to party hard. Maybe a little too hard. Despite having a friendly, familiar face, it didn't distract from Ethan standing right in front of me.

I glanced at Ethan and Kane who were clapping and standing, with microphones in their hands. I looked at the seat I was supposed to sit in, across from Ethan and Kane.

Calm down, Elena. Just answer their questions and you're out of here.

I sat down, and the crowd continued clapping. Ethan grabbed a microphone and handed it to me. We locked eyes for s split second, before I reached out to grab it from him. Our fingertips touched and it almost felt like electricity. I looked up at Ethan who gave me the same look.

I took the microphone and smiled at the crowd again.

I turned and looked at Justin who gave me the thumbs up and blew me a kiss, while Madison clapped and bobbed up and down on her toes.

The crowds screams became quieter as the boys tried shushing them. They sat back down, while we sat in our chairs.

"Hey Elena," Kane said with a goofy smile.

"Long time, no see," Ethan said, his eyes filled with mischief.

Please don't make this harder than it already is.

"Very long," I nodded, forcing out my best smile.

"How've you been?" Kane asked, smiling, "busy?"

"Busy is an understatement," I rolled my eyes playfully, as I leaned back on the couch, trying to make myself comfortable.

I glanced at Ethan who was watching me with blank eyes. Could he really not care about me anymore?

"I can just imagine," Kane nodded, "with your new album coming out," he mentioned the album and I felt myself go red, "oh, we just so happen to have it right here."

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