[6] - Snowy Days

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I woke up to my phone ringing beside my hand. I must've fallen asleep on the phone with Justin. I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight in the room, and squinted to read the caller.

It was Madison. Obviously, I quickly swiped and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, and coughed once I realised my voice was croaky.

"Someone just woke up," she giggled.

"Yep," I popped the 'p' and made my way out of the bed, "anyways, what's up?"

"I'm at Grayson's," she mumbled, "and his car won't start, and I need to be at a meeting."

"And?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Can you come get me?" She begged and I could imagine her puppy dog eyes as she pressed her hands together.

I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair and exhaled sharply, "Madi," I whined.

"Please," she begged and drew out the word.

I huffed in defeat and nodded, "fine. But as soon as I get there, we're leaving."

"Thank you!" She squealed and made a kiss sound, then hung up.

I rolled my eyes and set me phone down on the bedside table. I pulled up some black jeans, and kept the bralette I slept in on. I chucked over a thick, but oversized jumper and cuffed the sleeves.

I put on my boots and grabbed my phone. I slid it in the back of my pocket and made my way outside my bedroom. I briskly ran down the stairs and made myself a coffee. I grabbed a beanie that sat on the couch, which was probably Justin's, and put it on. I grabbed a windbreaker jacket and covered myself before I headed out.

I got into my car and told Madison to send me the directions. After she did, I made my way out of the gated community.

"Morning, Steven," I smiled as I waited for him to open.

"Good morning, Miss Salgado." He smiled and offered his hand.

"Be careful this morning," he warned, "the snows coming down hard, I heard they're closing the roads in a couple hours."

I nodded, "thank you."

He opened the gates and I drove through, and made my way to Grayson's. As I arrived, I noticed he was also in a gated area, but it was a gate just for his house.

"Hello?" I said as I drove up to the security.

"Name?" He coughed, staring down at the paper.

"Elena Salgado." I bit my lip.

His eyes widened and he looked at me with a bright smile, "Miss Salgado! I'm such a huge fan!" He held out his hand.

"Thank you," I chuckled. I just really wanted to get through. I'd hate it if the roads got closed while I was here.

"Can I please have your autograph?" He begged and I nodded. He passed me a piece of paper, and a sharpie. I quickly signed it and passed it back to him, and his face was bright. Mind you, this dude was probably in his 40's.

"Let me ring them," he held up his fingers and brought the phone to his ear.

"Mr. Dolan? Yes. The Elena Salgado is here. Okay." He smiled as he looked back at me. I chuckled as he fan-girled.

"Pleasure to meet you," he went red, "drive through," he pointed to the open gate and I nodded a thank you, and drove in. I approached the big house, it's unbelievable how big it is for only two people.

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