Ben + 2 = X

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Fiamma waited on a large stone chair.. seated in a massive chapel..  it was dark and quiet... stain glass images of Jesus on the cross decorated the beautiful place.. filled with expertly carved benches... carved with images of fruits and trees of the Garden of Eden...

Soft blue carpet lined the floors... and an eerie blue light came from the largest stain glass depiction of Jesus.. adorning the head window behind the massive throne on which Fiamma sat.

Fiamm's hands were bridged together in a pyramid shape.. as he thought quietly to himself..



God Echo Echo was walking into the room.. his scarf billowing in the wind as the doors flew open.. 

(new design for God Echo Echo)

(new design for God Echo Echo)

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"You're done Fiamma.." God Echo Echo growled. "The Highbreed won't help you.. and I sure as well won't let you raze Earth..  Give it up!"

Fiamma glared down at God Echo Echo.. his eyes narrowed. "I see.. the Holy Right does not have the same effect on Numensapiens that it does on ordinary mortals... this so called God Transformation is too powerful to be defeated by it... hmph.. you were wise to use this transformation from the start.. and to save your energy for this transformation at the final fight.."

Fiamma stood up and chuckled. "But The glorious me is not to be underestimated.. I knew that your God Alien forms were your trump card to begin with... I witnessed the power of those that have been called... the Black Heart Forms.. I have prepared for it...  for this very moment..."

God Echo Echo stopped in his tracks.. his eye coverings flashing in the reflection of the light streaming through the stained glass windows.  "What..?"

"Ben Tennyson.. truth of the matter is.. considering how long you've stood against the God's Right Seat... how amazingly you have held your own against us... and how one by one.. each of our greatest Magicians have been bested by your alien forms... I have decided to dub you as the number one enemy of Christianity in general."

"Uhhh.. you do know I go to church right?" muttered God Echo Echo.

"Hmph.. it is fitting.. you.. who are the greatest symbol of Science itself.. an Esper.. and a machine designed to study the bounds of evolution itself.. " said Fiamma. " You didn't think I wouldn't expect this moment to come eventually did you?"

"Actually.. I had a hunch..." God Echo Echo murmured.

Fiamma stood up from the throne and held up a hand.. "Have you ever heard of the Armor of God?"

"It's a metaphor in the bible.. for cladding yourself in faith to resist the devil and those who would sway your faith.." said God Echo Echo.

Fiamma laughed. "Indeed it is.. however, in the magical community, it is also the most powerful Pope Level spell.. no.. Angelic Level spell ever created.. capable of matching even the mighty dragons and Numensapiens..  no human can perform it... no... in fact.. the only way to perform such a spell is to have a divine construct of magnificent proportions  grant you the power needed.."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 9: War of The WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now