Fight To the Finish

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Accelerator stopped a few feet from a massive door... Betty and EightEight next to him as he slammed the powerful enchanted stone with one hand.. and caused the doors and their runes to topple over...

 Accelerator looked around... left and right, and then looked at the center of the massive domed room, where a strange "engine" could be seen. 

It was a large twisting cluster of blue magic energy blasting against itself.. like a spiral of blue light churning between two ginormous stone cylinders covered in magical runes. 

EightEight's helmet retracted and she walked forward, putting a hand on the stone. "It's some sort of Mana Harmonic Generator, created using something I like to call a Heroic Summoning System.."

"A what!?" said Accelerator. 

"Something used by other Universes in our Vast Omegaverse." said EightEight.." I believe it was originally used to summon a type of special familiar.. but here.. it's being used as an energy source... Annodites developed the original mana conversion system. I saw one on my travels.. destroy this... and this ship cannot rise any further.."

Accelerator grinned. "Alrighty then... "

Accelerator took a step forward.. but then.

"FOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" A powerful blast of black energy ripped out around the generator as a towering form rose up from behind the generator.. it's alien red eyes glowing in the blackness. 

EightEight and Betty both screamed as they were sent hurtling back and smashing against the walls of the room.. incapacitate immediately. 

Accelerator let out a few "Ksshhh" noises from his teeth, creating a powerful wind shield with his power as the black power bypassed his Vector control.. and his feet skidded back  as he was almost blown away..

"Tremble.... scream... run.. it matters not what you do... Mongrel.." Vesriel stepped out from behind the generator.. his entire body creating a shadow over the room as he raised his crooked wand.  "You die here... you die.. you.. and the rest of thy putrid race.."

"Putrid? Says the guy who looks like a fucking walking swamp!" Accelerator spat. 

"Hmph.. still the fact you made it this far is worthy of commendation... as a prize for such tenacity in the inevitable face of extermination... rat... I will allow you to feel my FULL power.." said Vesriel. "Human mages did not invent the Magic Name seals.. no... here is my magic name... dismal fools...  Valhalla888... "

Vesriel's body glowed with ginormous purple light, as massive purple wings of pure telesma exploded from his back.. and his horns extended to immense length... forming what looked like a crown of light..  

The room shook with tremendous power.. as Accelerator faced his new foe.. 

"Shall we dance? One who has touched the Territory of the Stars.. and will not live to tell of it.." Vesriel said.. his wand having turned into a giant silver sword with a blade edge made of pure purple light. 

Accelerator laughed and his eyes turned wide as giant black wings blasted out of his back..  "Bring it... piece of shit.."

As the entire Star shook once more... on the other side of the ship.. Ben, Mikoto, Touma, and Kevin nearly tripped over.. each other.. running down the crumbling hallway.. 

"EEP!!" Mikoto stammered as Ben's jacket flapped open momentarily to reveal her nudity and she hastily covered herself up. "This is so annoying!"

"Here.." Ben whipped off his shirt and tossed it to Mikoto.. " Put that on too.. I'm taller.. so it should cover you downstairs too.."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 9: War of The WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now