Black Betty

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Down a massive snowy road... a ginormous line of tanks stood watch, Russian tanks... their turrets stationary and pointing out into the wide yonder...

They stood.. waiting for enemies that seemed like they'd never come..

One of the Russian commanders looked around, blinking through his goggles as the blizzard persisted. 

He had gained intelligence that forces from Academy City were heading through here... where..? Where were they?

"Sir... we have something.." said a soldier, running up to the captain. "Hurry, in the tent. We think we might have discovered a way to track them.."

"Really now?" 

The soldier.. didn't look familiar.. was he new..?

He was rather short for a soldier.. probably around 5'5.. eh.. that would've been average height about a generation back, but nowadays people were becoming giants. And he had a ridiculously large handlebar mustache.. His hair and eyes weren't visible beneath his helmet.. 

The soldier led the captain into the tent.. where he found three other soldiers.. all around the same height or shorter, also possessing ridiculously large mustaches.

The inside of the tent was well furnished and actually very nice.. with a large circular table showing a high tech holographic map with layout of the land (technology courtesy of Academy City before the war started.) A warm lamp lit the place, and there were seats and bunks nearby as well as a coffee machine. 

The Captain narrowed his eyes. "Why.. are you four wearing such ridiculous mustaches?"

The one who had led him inside tried to speak.. but then stuttered.

"And why in the world is your Russian so lousy!" growled the captain at the soldier. "And take off your stupid disguises.. you are aware that we are drafting even teenagers at this time of crisis right?! You don't need to sneak in!!"

"Uhh.. my apologies sir." said one of the shorter ones, taking off her fake mustache.. a girl by the sound of her. "We were actually joking around.. see? Thought these ridiculous mustaches would lighten the mood! eheheh.. heh..."

"Hmm.. I don't blame you.." said the Captain eyeing the girl closely. 

She didn't look Russian, she looked Asian in fact.. but since when was a country ever NOT somewhat of a melting pot? Plus her Russian was very fluent.. however.. there was something familiar about her.

"So.. you said you had a way to track them? The boy and that troublesome girl?"

"Well yes." said a third soldier, a male.. who had also neglected to remove his mustache..  "But we need-."

"Take off those silly mustaches all ready!" roared the captain. "This is ridiculous given the seriousness of the situation!"

Tentatively, the other three took off their mustaches..

Weird.. another Asian kid.. a boy.. and one guy who looked American.. and another girl.. who had long black hair.. with something twitching oddly beneath her uniform.

"We need.." the asian boy continued. "A good look at the experimental tracking beacon. We believe that Academy City put in a secret function to track the Omnitrix in case it ever went rogue.."

"Ahhh.. that would make sense." said the Captain. "How do we use it?"

"Well we just need to- KSSSSH- このように使う-KSSSSSH- by following the-KSSSSHH-指示." said the Asian boy. Static sounded from his voice.

The American boy and Asian girl looked horrified, and the boy began hammering on his left wrist with a hand, as if trying to make something faulty work.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 9: War of The WorldsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant