EightEight v.s. Sixteen

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"RRRRAAHHHH!!!" EightEight dashed forward, hurling her fists through mercenary skulls as she did so, using her immense strength to decapitate the humans in showers of blood, turning her armored firsts dark red... 

Soon, she was leaving a trail of blood as she ripped through the assassins and ran straight at Sixteen who had already holstered his weapon and was holding his fists up. 

"I always liked hand to hand combat." said Sixteen. "And you were always my best student... "

"You taught me everything you know.." said EightEight, switching into a readied fighting stance. "So don't think it'll be easy.."

"Correction.. I taught you everything you know... not everything I know.." said Sixteen

Suddenly, Sixteen moved at tremendous speeds, too fast for EightEight to even catch.. his fist collided right with EightEight's gut... causing her armor in that spot to shatter, revealing her soft human skin as she doubled over and coughed out blood.

"WH-wha!?" EightEight stammered as Sixteen hurled a roundhouse kick right into her head.. and sent her exploding through a wall.. tumbling into an airport bar.

EightEight staggered to her feet, heaving, blood drizzling from her forehead.

"You're 200 years early to fighting me.. human." said Sixteen, popping his neck and sending up sparks as his metal claws slid against each other. 

The way Sixteen had vehemently called her a human.. EightEight could tell... her current state of being.. and appearance was a shame to her guild.. but now wasn't the time to think about that.

EightEight quickly tried to analyze the situation. Sixteen's genetically mutates strength used a lot more power.. and then there was his weapons.

His Pyronite Mark 16 rifle would most definitely kill any species that couldn't absorb or resist heat energy in one deadly shot.. and the assassin droid Sixteen had used to make his armor possessed Tedanite Infused Orishan made claws, specifically designed to rip through body armor with ease...  both long range and close range combat put EightEight at a significant disadvantage... already most of her armor was torn apart..

Sixteen chuckled as he picked up EightEight's damaged helmet from nearby and crushed it in his palm.. dropping the sparking useless head wear as he approached. and he spoke in Sotoraggian. "You're out of your league Rasheer..  best you just quit before I have to provide more pain.. come.. I am to take you alive.."

"Who hired you?" EightEight growled, still speaking Japanese. "If you wanted me because a client needed me for a job as you implied, then you wouldn't be trying to drag me off this dirt planet with half my blood lost.. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"

"Your right.." said Sixteen. "You see.. Earth is about to become a complete wasteland.. along with most of the universe.. per the agreement for working with the Highbreed... we few.. who serve their cause, shall be spared.. I am trying to remove all our guild operatives from the planet before it.. well.. dies.."

EightEight stared with shock. "That's... that's why these human mercenaries are working with you? Were they offered the same BULLSHIT promise!?"

"Rasheer.. listen to me.. the Highbreed cannot be beaten.. even by Ben 10.." said Sixteen, continuing to speak in Sotoraggian. "Our only hope is this deal.. I am going to keep you alive.. even if I have to break all your bones... why resist? These human meatbags mean nothing to you.."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 9: War of The WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now