Praise The Dead

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Ben felt cold fear grasp his heart.. but at the same time.. he felt mad rage fill him too..

Here he was.. surrounded by the very people who killed Elena.. Ben's eyes lit up with fury.

"You.. YOU!!!" Ben roared viciously, the Omnitrix igniting green with his fury. "You're the ones.. YOU KILLED HER!!!"

Ben transformed in a powerful green light, emerging as Humungousaur, who roared, brandishing his fists.. his powerful tail sweeping back and forth as Mikoto hit behind on of his legs cautiously, slowly charging up electricity into one palm.

"Ben.. careful! We don't know what they are.. we don't know what they're capable of.." said Mikoto. "Don't let your anger get the better of you.."

But the villagers were backing up cautiously too, eyeing Humungousaur with slight awe in their eyes.

"So.. you were like the girl from that time.." whispered the old woman. "You possess power.. it is no wonder He possesses interest in you.. "

"Who is He?" Mikoto said. "Who are all of you!?"

"You will soon find out.." said the old woman. "You wish to see her again? The girl?"

"Her name.. WAS ELENA!!" Humungousaur roared.

At the sound of Humungousaur's roar.. strange people, dressed in the same flame decorated masked outfits as the ones who had kidnapped Ben and Elena so long ago.. slid out of thin air.. as if there were invisible walls in front of them..

They silently stood guard in front of the villagers.. 

"We.. are the Esoterica.." whispered one figure. "We stand as the guardians of these innocents.. harm them.. and you shall feel our wrath."

"YOUR wrath!?" Humungousaur growled. "I'm gonna pound you all into pancakes!!"

"Enough.." One of the Esoterica slid out of thin air.. holding a knife to Lessar's throat.

"S-sorry.." Lessar muttered. "Got caught off guard.. damnit.."

"Stay calm.. and no harm shall come to her.." said the Old Lady. "There is something we must show you.. something you must understand.."

Humungousaur and Mikoto looked at each other.. 

Ben could see the immense fear in Mikoto's eyes. That scared him. Mikoto was by far the strongest and bravest girl he knew.. the fact that this Old Woman.. and the other villagers.. disturbed her so much, was a fearful fact indeed. 

Ben turned back into his human form.. glaring at the one holding Lessar hostage. Mikoto gripped his arm tightly.

"Fine.. show me.." Ben growled. "But.. if I see you've even hurt a hair on Lessar's head.. I'll stomp you all out.. right here.."

The Old Lady let out a dark chuckle.. and for a moment.. something dark stirred behind her eyes.. as if she wasn't exactly what she seemed.

Ben couldn't deny.. he was feeling a fear right now that even Aleister couldn't instill in him.. and after his one meeting with Aleister Crowley at age 13, the Administrator of Academy City was one individual he never wished to meet again.

Lessar gave Ben a rare serious look, indicating that there was something missing from this..

Betty.. had they killed her? And Touma? No.. if they had been caught they would've been added to the pool of hostages.. which meant.. Touma and Betty were running around the village right now!

Betty running around free.. was probably bad news in all honesty..  but if Touma was somewhere hidden, watching, with Imagine Breaker, he might stand a good chance of getting everyone out.. depending on what kind of mysterious power these Esoterica had..

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix, Book 9: War of The WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now