Chapter 4

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Heya everyone, hope ya’ll are well! Happy New Year, and sorry this took so long, life kinda got in the way.
Just a reminder all words in ITALICS are spoken or thought in Latin.

Beautiful banner made by aneonsky

Chapter 4


I didn’t know why I had apologized; heaven knows why I even looked at him when he growled, but something just pulled me. Before either of us could say anything else the bell rang. I grabbed my book and leaped out of my chair, darting for the door.
My mind was racing, why couldn’t I control myself here? I’m so stupid! I knew I couldn’t outrun him, but I just needed to get away. Maybe I shouldn’t complain; having the Cullens as friends might be beneficial to me, they might even know what and who I am.
I stopped running and just leaned against the wall. I had stopped outside, opting for a private conversation with Edward, who I knew was following me. I turned and watched him walk towards me.
His gaze held confusion and caution. “You did that to me? It burned.”
He was surprisingly calm, but I didn’t really know what I was expecting. “Yes, and I said I was sorry.” I was stuck, but I could tell him half the truth. I just had to convince him that I didn’t know anything about vampires.
“Please, Edward! Don’t tell anyone, I...I don’t want to end up in some mental hospital, please!” I took a step forward, my eyes really pleading with him.
“So it was you who stopped the van? And you burned Alice.” I leaned back against the wall of the school and tried to think when I could have possibly hurt Alice.
I remember my force field extending after the almost accident and...and Alice had been holding on to me when it happened! Shit, I needed to apologize to her as well.
“Oh no, poor Alice.” I looked back at Edward, he was waiting patiently, “Yes, Edward, I did stop the van, but I didn’t mean to hurt you or Alice,” mainly Alice, though, “I just want to be normal, like you and your family, please, I want to stay with my Dad and have normal teenage experiences, please, don’t tell anyone. Please.”
I didn’t like pleading, but hopefully he would say yes and leave me alone, highly doubtful, but I could hope.
He nodded his head, his gaze had gone from realization to sympathy in almost a second and somehow I knew he caught on to what I was implying. He believed I didn’t know about him and his family’s secret.
He patted my shoulder awkwardly, “I won’t tell anyone, Isabella, I promise, but to be honest Alice also knows. She won’t say anything either, so you don’t have to worry.”
I nodded my head and left. I arrived at gym ten minutes before the bell rang, and had to persuade the Coach not to give me detention, luckily the accident was still fresh and I assumed he thought I was having trouble, so he just gave me a warning.
Once I was safely next to Dad in his cruiser on our way home, I suddenly realized that for the first time ever, someone besides me knew about my powers. I had told Edward Cullen that I was different. Why did it have to be him though? Why did he have to be the first person to know! I’d rather it was Alice, at least then it would have been someone I actually liked!
The next morning we got up at five. Dad had already packed all his fishing gear and all of the beer that had been in the fridge. I felt excited, not only because this was my first fishing trip with my Dad, but also because I was going to be meeting the wolves for the first time.
So far it would just be Leah, Jacob and Seth, and of course, they won't be wolves yet, but I was still excited nonetheless. It was a fifteen minute drive to the reservation and then another ten minutes to the beach.
The others were already set up at the shoreline, ready to start, other people were also scattered across the beach. We walked slowly towards Dad’s childhood friends, the closest person was Mrs. Clearwater I presumed, she was setting up a table with some ready to eat food.
Dad turned to wink at me as he hurried over to the guys, almost tackling them as he hugged them. “Are we ready to catch some fish?” I smiled as they talked; these were the moments that never showed face in the books, Dad wore a smile on his face as he made jokes with his two long time friends.
I watched the three of them with hidden curiosity; I never had friends and seeing three of them sharing stories and just having fun together was something foreign to me. My eyes drifted from my Dad and landed on Harry Clearwater, he was a heavyset man with shoulder length black hair and kind brown eyes. I felt a surge of regret; would he still die next year?
I turned my head to Billy Black, who was sitting in a camping chair instead of his wheelchair, his long black hair was tied up in a bun and in his eyes I saw something that was never described in the books. It was power. Not physical power, or even something close to supernatural power, this was power that had been past down generations of shape-shifters. Knowledge about what really lies beyond the mundane.
I grimaced as I turned away. He might be wise, but to me he was stupid. He was suppose to be the Chief, but instead of preparing his tribe for what was coming, he was spouting cryptic nonsense.
I shook my head and made my way over to Sue Clearwater. “Hello, ma'am, I'm Isabella. Is there anything I can help with?”
She was a beautiful woman, her brown hair was tucked into a loose bun and her thin face lit up as she smiled, black eyes glistening with just as much excitement as I was feeling.
“Isabella, dear, it's so nice to see you again, and all grown up!” I forgot that Bella had known these people in her youth, but smiled still. “Everything’s all set here. The kids went to get the barbeque and our tools, I'm sure they'll be here soon.”
I stood around awkwardly for a few minutes, but luckily, Dad called me over and we started my fishing lessons. By the time the three soon-to-be wolves arrived, I had caught a fish and proudly stood with Dad as Harry took a picture.
Seth was the first to join our group near the water, his hair was black and cut short unlike the other tribe boys, but you could see he took after his father. His jaw was tight and his face lean. He was a cute kid.
Jacob came up behind him, Leah pushing him every once and a while from behind. He was pretty much like I pictured him, a kid, only fifteen. I don't know how I would discourage him, but I was sure not going to let him fall in love with me.
Leah was a beauty, perfect copper skin, glistening black hair, eyelashes like feather dusters and unlike in the books she was smiling brightly, her brown eyes showing a light that radiated her happiness. Suddenly, seeing her like this, my heart tightened with the knowledge that her happiness would end so abruptly.
But, I also knew that now that I was here, her future won't be unclear to her. Once I get the chance, I will tell her everything, even if it meant telling her that I wasn't really Isabella Swan.
Jacob was the first one to speak, he stuttered a bit, clearly already flustered. “Hey, Bella. You probably don't remember me, we used to, um, play together.”
I nodded. “Yeah, I remember, kiddo. But, I mostly played with the twins, really. I remember you following us around like a little puppy though.” I smiled as I watched his face change into a scowl, but before he could say anything, Leah burst out laughing.
“Wow, puppy Jake! I like you, Bella!” My smile widened as she threw her arm around my shoulders.
“Please, call me Isabella.” Just like that the tension was broken as we all laughed and joked. I mostly spent time with Leah as Jake and Seth fished with the parents. All in all, it was the greatest time I've ever spent with other people.
After we ate Leah and I walked along the shore. The men were all still fishing, and Dad guaranteed that it would go on till late into the night. Hours passed by while we laughed and joked. I couldn't stop smiling; this was by far the freest I've ever felt in my entire life.
That is until Leah received a call from Sam. Her face turned grave as she spoke to him. I made out only half of the conversation, but I knew what was wrong. Sam was changing. This was good, now I could make sure things turned out positive for all parties involved, starting with Sam.
He won't be spending weeks as a wolf, locking himself away because he thought he was crazy. He'd head into it head first with the knowledge the tribe should have given all their descendants from the start.
Leah was frantic as she told her mother that Sam needed her, immediately I volunteered to go along, to make sure she wasn't alone in her panicked state. The short drive to Sam's house felt like hours and as soon as we got there Leah jumped out and ran for the front door.
“Sam! It's me, open up!” She banged against the door but no one came to open it.
“SAM!” Leah was beyond frantic and when a startled cry from inside came she started ramming into the door with her shoulder to get it open. I stopped her, “Wait, let me try, Leah. Just relax, we'll get inside, I promise.”
I readied myself and just as I was about to slam my shoulder against the door I pushed with my telekinesis and it opened. Leah didn't wait, she hurried past me. We found Sam in the hallway, his shivering form on the floor, his face contorted in pain.
“Sam, you're burning up! Sam, can you hear me, Sam!!” I watched as Leah tried to get him to open his eyes, and realized he was still a long way from shifting.
How long was he like this before his wolf came out? Was he fighting against it? When Sam screamed my mind snapped back and I ran towards him, pulling him up. “Leah! Help me, we need to get him outside, quickly!” shocked and confused she held him on his other side as we moved through the house.
“Isabella, are you sure? How will being outside help him?” she was crying and my heart ached for her. She loved him so much, but in the end it won’t be enough.
“Just trust me, Leah.”
We exited through the back door and moved into the forest out of view from others. When we were far enough, I stopped and set Sam down on the ground. He was still mumbling and thrashing.
I grabbed Leah and made her look at me, “Leah, please, whatever happens stay behind me and don’t run away, okay?”
She simply nodded, her attention immediately going back to Sam. I knelt next to him; I had no idea what I was doing. My powers couldn’t help him, and I had no way of stopping this transformation.
I took a deep breath and let my instincts guide me, like when I was living alone in the streets. “Sam, listen to my voice. Don’t fight it. Let the pain consume you, just let it spread. Try to relax, I know it hurts, but you have to, okay.”
I stood and moved away, an idea forming in my mind. I had no certainty that this would work but I had to try.
“Let go, Sam.” I concentrated my powers, like I do when I’m conjuring something, instead of creating an object I focused the energy solely onto Sam. “SHIFT!”
The moment the word left my mouth Sam screamed. I could hear his bone cracking and watched amazed as his body turned into a wolf.
After only a few seconds, his clothes were shredded and instead of Sam, it was his wolf. He was enormous and the book didn’t nearly capture his essence at all.
I heard Leah gasp behind me, and turned to face her. “Don’t panic, it’s just Sam, Leah, remember the legends of your tribe. They’re all true. Just breathe.”
A growl sounded from Sam and I quickly turned to stare at the bear-sized wolf. He radiated power and I knew it was his Alpha status. Somehow it irked me and I held my head high, almost as if I were challenging him. His eyes met mine and his long muzzle grimaced, revealing a line of dagger-like incisors. A grisly snarl rolled out from between the teeth, rumbling like a prolonged crack of thunder.
I didn’t back down though and channeled my powers. A soft glow emitted from me and slowly, but with intent, he lowered his head in submission. Feeling accomplished, I raised my hand towards him and let it glide through his silky black fur.
“There you go, Sam, just relax.”

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