Chapter 2

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a/n - what do you guys think should i do about the wolves??

Chapter 2

Closed Book

I awoke suddenly, my head was throbbing and my body felt stiff, most of all I felt exhausted. I rubbed my eyes and looked around me; I was back in my room with Dad sleeping in the rocking chair which was now standing in front of my bed.

I sighed, poor Dad, he must have been worried. I checked out the window, it was morning already which meant I had slept through half a day. That was probably the most I've slept, ever. My powers must have taken a lot out of me.

I threw the covers off and attempted to stand, my legs were shaky though and I had to steady myself. I shook Dad a bit, and he woke up quicker than I thought he would. "Isabella! You're awake. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

My heart stuttered a bit at his concern and I smiled. "I'm okay, Dad, just a bit tired still."

He nodded solemnly, "You should stay at home then, get some more rest..."

"No, I don't think I could sleep any more. I'm good, Dad, really. I don't want to miss school. I'm sure I was just tired from the travelling and all that."

He didn't look convinced and instead of getting my way I had to compromise, I could go to school, but afterwards Dad would be taking me to the doctor to get checked out. I agreed with a small smile and we both went on our way to get ready for the day.

I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday, minus my jacket and shoes. I showered quickly, got dressed in some jeans, a t-shirt and the same jacket I wore yesterday. My shoes were plain black sneakers and my hair was tied in a bun on the top of my head.

I served eggs and bacon for breakfast and after we ate Dad dropped me off at school. The rest of the day went on kinda like in the book, Mike, who I missed yesterday, still came up to me, introduced himself and sat with me in English.

I luckily lost him as I walked to my next class, but he joined me later on again. My body was still stiff and I felt even more exhausted than I did this morning. Most of the students still stared at me, my fainting after lunch probably the reason.

At least Angela, who had been my saviour, came to sit with me at lunch with Jessica on my other side. I knew Edward wouldn't be here today and I was incredibly thankful. He was most likely in Alaska wallowing in self-pity because of the non fact that he almost killed me.

I doubted he could have killed me, whatever had surrounded me would have stopped him, maybe even have killed him, I had no idea, but it did seem that my powers were growing and I needed a way to control this new part of them for fear that it might leave me vulnerable.

I kept my focus on Angela, chatting with her about my life before Forks, I mostly told the truth, omitting some details or morphing them to match Phoenix. Jessica seemed upset at the fact I was ignoring her, but I didn't really care.

The vampires were at the same table as yesterday, each with their own prop tray, each looking in a different direction. I was surprised to see Rosalie glaring at me, her eyes now a soft amber colour. They had hunted last night and I found myself staring at the colour, it was so natural, but also not.

I smiled at her and her glare turned into a frown. Jessica, who had probably waited for the chance to gossip, spoke to me then, breaking me away from the vampire. "Seems like Edward isn't here today, wonder where he went?"

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