Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


We were running, everything was a blur, I tried to focus on my surroundings, on where he was taking me, to try and just see something, but it was useless.

It didn't matter either, because my mind kept drifting to Charlie. I felt completely numb, my dad had been lying in a growing pool of blood when Edward had grabbed me. He was probably dead and it was all my fault.

I should have dealt with Edward, should have killed him or commanded him to stop, to leave me alone. Now I was on my way to who knows where.

My only comfort was the fact I knew my mates were on their way and that this, whatever this was, would be over soon.

I dreaded seeing the other Cullen's after this. There was no way Edward would make it out of this alive. I would incinerate him just like I had Victoria.

We stopped and he let me down slowly, lowering me onto a patch of green grass, beautiful flowers growing throughout the space.

Even though I'd never seen it before, I knew. It was the meadow.

I groaned, he'd obviously read the books or somehow gathered their information. And of course, he'd deluded himself into thinking it was real or destiny, or whatever.

"What is the point of all this?" my voice was flat and emotionless, my eyes fixed on the smug bastard who was grinning at me like a loon.

"Bella." His voice was soft like honey, dripping with reverence.

I blanched, not anticipating the sheer insanity.

"My name is Isabella. No one calls me that, ever!" I got to my feet, my body vibrating with my anger, my shield was whirring across my skin like an electric blanket.

His eyes widened in more awe, and I grimaced, I was hoping he'd be stupid enough to try and touch me, but it seemed he wasn't that stupid.

"I know, Bella, you don't have to pretend anymore," he took a step towards me, arm outstretched, "We can be together, I can change you, we can be together forever."

He sounded mad, whispering on and on that 'he can change me' like some lunatic. He seemed quite pitiful actually. It was so sad, really.

My teeth gnashed together as I listened to him prattle on about his supposed future with me, "STOP!"

His mouth shut so quickly it made an audible smashing sound like two rocks being thrown together.

"Listen to me, Edward, you killed my father so there won't be any mercy for you today. I also, won't be arguing with you about shit!" I poked my finger into his chest, "You will stay right there until I tell you to move!"

His eyes widened, this time I was delighted that there was fear in his eyes.

"You think I'd want some pathetic little boy like you? When I could have a man? And a woman as well?" my smirk shifted into a small genuine smile as I thought about my mates.

I could feel them, they were coming, they were close.

Alice slammed into my side, molding to me, the pixie burying her head into my neck. "Isabel!"

Jasper appeared a second later, and I could see the blood splattered on his clothing.

I met his eyes, tears forming in mine. He shook his head and pulled me into his arms, bringing Alice along, since she was still wrapped around me.

I met his eyes, tears forming in mine. He shook his head and pulled me into his arms, bringing Alice along, since she was still wrapped around me.

Hate and anger whirled inside of me as I cried. Charlie hadn't deserved to die, not because of me.

I sank into the comfort my mates offered, as I let out my grief.

After a few minutes, I shuddered and pushed away from them, turning towards Edward who was still standing where she'd ordered him to.

His red eyes were filled with anger, disgust, and probably some jealousy as he eyed us.

"You killed my father, in cold blood, you are a monster and there will never be any future for us, there will be no future at all for you."
I shut my eyes for a second before focusing my gaze and my shield on Edward.

I started from the sides, slowly and meticulously moving my shield so as to cause the most pain, burning him.

His screams echoed through the meadow as he was incinerated.

Alice and Jasper were silent as they both held my hands, showing their support.

They wouldn't turn on me, wouldn't hate me for killing their brother.

As the last small pieces of ash flew away with the breeze I sank down onto the ground, my heart broken and burning.

I just cried, for the first time in my life, I cried myself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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