I had to look my best for the interview, so I chose a black pencil skirt that hugged my curves and a light blue blouse that complemented my hazel eyes. I slipped into a pair of heels that added a few extra inches to my 5,7 height. My long, light brown hair fell in soft waves down my back. I wore matching blue studs in my ears to add a little sparkle. I only applied a touch of makeup, preferring to let my natural beauty shine through. A quick swipe of mascara and a light lip balm were all I needed to feel confident. I completed the look with a black blazer that made me feel powerful and wrapped a pink scarf around my neck that added a pop of colour to the ensemble.

I cast a furtive glance at the wall clock above my bed, which read 7:20. 'No time for breakfast,' I thought to myself. I snatched up my bag and bolted out of the room, careful not to stumble in my killer heels. I wasn't a big fan of them, but Sam had insisted that I wear them - after all, first impressions are everything.

"Wow Ally, you look stunning without even trying! If the boss isn't impressed by your skills and qualifications, then your good looks will definitely seal the deal." she said with a wink.

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at her. "Come on, Sam. Do you really think that a multi-billionaire hires employees based on their looks? I don't think so," I said, my tone casual. "Besides, if looks mattered that much, then you should have been the marketing director by now," I added, returning her wink.

My friend is a vision of beauty - she's an inch taller than me with the most mesmerizing emerald eyes and long blonde hair. In contrast, I have brownish-hazel eyes and a figure that complements my features. Samantha lives alone in this apartment, far away from her family in the UK. She moved to the USA with her aunt six years ago after her parents' tragic death. As the only child, she had no choice but to move. She was my saviour in this foreign land, offering me a roof over my head when everyone else had turned their backs on me. She was the only one who had shown me kindness and compassion, and I was grateful beyond words. Without her, I would have been homeless, lost and alone, drowning in a sea of uncertainty and despair.

"Anyways, We need to get going if you want to make it on time. Every second counts," I said to Sam, who was still raising her eyebrows in a mocking way.

She glanced at her wristwatch and snatched up her bag. "Come on," she said, and we sprinted towards the bus stop. We had to make it before the bus left at 7:30 sharp.

We arrived just in the nick of time, and I prayed that the bus wouldn't be teeming with people.

Throughout the ride, I was a bundle of nerves, my stomach churning with anxiety. Suddenly, the nerves kicked in, and I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. What if I get rejected again? I had a bit of the qualification, but I had no prior work experience, not even in charity shops or university internships, which put me at a disadvantage compared to other candidates. I have never done a job before because I was locked away in a "castle" or shall I say prison. It was as if I was a bird with clipped wings, unable to soar into the sky of opportunities.

Anyway, I refuse to let my past define me. It's a dark place that I don't want to revisit. Instead, I shall choose to focus on my future, where I am free as a bird with my strings in my own hands. I am determined to succeed, and I will not let anything stand in my way. I left my old life behind to be free, to choose my own path, and to be successful. However, my lack of confidence is becoming a hurdle, and it's making it difficult for me to believe in myself. I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, ready to take the leap of faith, but my feet are rooted to the ground. I've never been to a proper job interview before, and the thought of it makes my heart race.

I know that I have what it takes to succeed. I am brave, I am strong, and I am capable. I will take that leap of faith, and I will soar to new heights. I am grateful that my application was accepted by Knight's Enterprise, and I will make the most of this opportunity.

The Knights are the biggest business tycoons in the USA, and their businesses operate on a global platform. They own a diverse range of businesses, including textile, technology, farms, hotels, restaurants, real estate, bars, and oil companies. They are the epitome of wealth and success, and their name is synonymous with opulence. I heard from Sami that they are the richest people in the world, and I don't want to miss this golden opportunity to work for them. Their paychecks can solve all my problems and open doors to a brighter future.

"Ally, don't worry yourself. I know you can do this. You have it in you, girl. Just believe in yourself. Don't let the words of a jealous bitch get to you." Sami said, hugging me tightly. I nodded, feeling her warmth and support. I knew she was right. I had to be strong and bring back the confidence that I once had a long time ago. I was about to drift back into my past when Samantha's voice brought me back from my trance. "We've arrived." she said, and I took a deep breath, ready to face the future with renewed Vigor.

I stepped out of the bus behind Sam, and we started making our way towards a towering skyscraper that looked like it was made of gold. It was as if the building was a giant, shimmering jewel that had been plucked from the heavens. 'Here goes nothing. Please, God, help me.' I whispered to myself, crossing my fingers in the hope that everything would go smoothly.

As we entered the lobby, we were greeted by a sight that screamed of the owner's wealth and success, with its grandeur and opulence.

"Ally, please go to the receptionist and inform her that you're here for the interview. I need to head to the marketing department immediately, or I'll be late. It's on the 45th floor. Good luck! and don't worry." Sam said, flashing me an assuring smile. I gave her a weak smile in return as I started walking towards the reception desk with unsteady legs.

I was walking nervously, my eyes fixed on the polished floor as if I were walking on thin ice. Every step felt like a test of my courage, and I was afraid that I would slip and fall. My heart was racing, and my palms were sweaty as if I was about to face a great challenge.

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly...

BOOM! I think I hit a wall.






Hello, My Beautiful Readers!

I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of my book (HHB). There are many more chapters to come, so stay tuned for more exciting content. Please ignore any errors you may have noticed, as I will be proofreading the book once I finish writing it. Thank you for giving my book a chance, and I hope you enjoy the rest of it! and I would love to hear feedback from you guys.

Best regards,


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