New Year Special

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👆That's me from last years summer when I went to Japan with my older sister. Since they wear kimonos in Japan on new year I thought that picture would be fitting. (Btw. I'm wearing a yukata in that picture, not a kimono.)

Wataru: Waiii, I get to stay up late!

Masaomi: Wataru, that doesn't mean that you get to stay up all night.

Wataru: I know..

Tsubaki: Don't worry, Wataru! When you get older you get to stay up just as long as we do!

Wataru: But that's so many years from now!

Azusa: Has anyone seen Joske?

Masaomi: Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her all day.

Ukyou: Neither have I.

Kaname: Not even I have seen her. My little Joske, what is she up to now?

Fuuto: For once I'm actually kinda worried. She's been very depressed all year.

Iori: What if she's hurt herself! We must find her at once!

Hikaru: Where did we all see her last?

Louis: Here she is. She was very paranoid last night so I let her sleep with me.

Natsume: She called me last night and asked if I could just talk with her for awhile. She calmed down a bit when I talked with her over the phone, but she was very scared.

Subaru: She hates the sound of fireworks. Maybe that's why she was so scared.

Joske: *Trembles*

Kaname: Don't worry, my little Joske. Big brother is here now.

Joske: T-thank you, Kana-nii. *Hugs Kaname*

Fuuto: That's so disqusting!

Yusuke: You were the one who was worried about Joske.

Fuuto: *Blushes* Yeah, but she's fine so it doesn't matter now!

Louis: It's almost time to start counting down.

Masaomi: Alright, is everyone here?

Ukyou: Let's see.. (Y/n) is not here yet.

Tsubaki: Uwah! Where is she!?

Azusa: Ah, here she is. She's just been so quiet.

Hikaru: The countdown starts now!

Everyone: 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Happy new year!

Masaomi: *Kisses you* Happy new year, (y/n)-chan. I hope you have an even better year than the last one.

Ukyou: *Kisses you* I hope this year will bring us much happiness.

Kaname: *Kisses you* May we both get a year full of love and happiness.

Hikaru: *Kisses you* I can already feel that this year is going to be great.

Tsubaki: *Kisses you* Will you be with me this year as well?

Azusa: *Kisses you* This year is going to be wonderful, as long as you are with me.

Natsume: *Kisses you* Let's see what this year has to offer for us.

Louis: *Kisses you* This year has a good start.

Subaru: *Kisses you* H-happy new year.. I want t-to spend this year w-with you, l-like the last one.

Iori: *Kisses you* I want to have even more adventures with you this year.

Yusuke: *Kisses you* L-let's spend this year togheter as well.

Fuuto: *Kisses you* Hmph, I guess another year with you couldn't be that bad.

Wataru: *Tackle hugs you* I want to spend even more time with Onee-chan this year!

Joske: *Kisses your cheek* H-happy new year, (y/n)-chan. I hope all your dreams will come true this year.

Masaomi: That's about it, right?

Ukyou: It seems so, yes.

Azusa: This has been a good year so far.

Iori: Joske? What's wrong?

Joske: *Cries* I c-can't stand another year...

Natsume: What do you mean?

Joske: *Cries* I'm so tired... of being lonely. I can't live another year of heart-break and suffering. I don't want to go through another year..

Kaname: *Hugs me* It's going to be okay. Maybe this is the year that you will finally find someone~

Joske: *Cries* Who would ever love me!? All the people that I love only push me away or ignore me!

Brothers: *Looks at Natsume*

Natsume: What?.... She's too young for me.

Tsubaki and Azusa: For once, be nice to her! *Pushes Natsume to me*

Natsume: Ugh, fine. *Hugs me and pats my head* There, there, don't cry.

Joske: *Cries*

Natsume: Shh, it's okay. Someone out there loves you, you just haven't met them yet.

Masaomi: Joske is unavailable so Iori will take over from here.

Iori: Thank you for spending new year with us. It makes us very happy, especially Joske. We hope you enjoyed and Joske will see you in the next chapter, happy new year!

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