I'm alive

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Hello, it's been quite awhile. I haven't really had the motivation to write. However, I have written small parts but they aren't done yet.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive and well. I'm quarantined right now because I've been exposed to the virus. I don't have any symptoms, so I'll get tested tomorrow to see if I'm positive or negative. If I'm negative I can get out of quarantine and get back to work. I'm part of a play this autumn. It got moved from last year to this year because of the pandemic, so it's not a problem for me to relearn my lines. I'm filling up on vitamin C to boost my immune system.

Just wanted to let you all know. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. I'll try to use this time to write and hopefully get some chapters and requests published.

~ Joske

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