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Five Years Later...


After all these years I'm glad that we made the right decision in choosing Kay. She was and still is the woman we need in our life. She keeps us all balanced even when she doesn't even know it. Yeah we still in the game, but we know how to seperate our work life from our personal life.

The twins are a handful. I think sometimes they forget their place and we have to remind them a lil bit, but that's why we teach them right from wrong. I don't know about any of the other parents, but I know about us.

Being married is sometimes a hardship because when things get tough you can't just walk away. You have to think about what your losing to what you'll gain. Being married means more then being in a relationship. There are more things being involved.

I work hard to make sure that my kids and wife are safe and want for nothing.

"Devin your kids fighting again!" Kay yelled from upstairs. Well it's time for daddy duties.


I never thought I'd see the day that we would be married to Kay, have two kids, and another two on the way.

I was out getting Kay surprise for our three year anniversary that's coming up. I know she's going to love it.






"Kay come on!" I yelled.

"Nigga I'm pregnant. I know you see this big ass stomach in front of me. Rushing me and shit. Don't get slapped." She said. I laughed cause she always threatening somebody.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise." I said. The kids were in the back with Devin. Kay had to sit in the front with me.

Thirty minutes later we were pulling up to her surprise. The look on her face was priceless.



"Whose house is this?"

"Ours, its our anniversary gift." Devin said. I got out the car as fast as my pregnant self could.

I opened the front door and was surprised at how big this house was on the inside. It was big outside, but the inside was huge.

"This our new house mommy?" DJ asked.

"Yes baby. Daddies bought us a new house to live in." I said.

"Yay!" They screamed running around the house.

"You like it?" Devin said next to me. I smiled at him.

"Yes I love it." I watched Devon chase the twins around the house. Devin went to do the same thing. They are so good with the boys, but I know once the girls get here they're going to be strict as hell. I can't believe they did this for our anniversary.

Everyone wanted to know why I waited to get married. It's not that I wasn't ready I just wanted to finish school first. We've only been married for two going on three years. The wait was worth it. I don't know how Dread did it, but with money and knowing the right people you could do anything.

My love for them is never ending. All three of us have been through so much with each other I just didn't see the point of giving up. The twins are six years old and I'm pregnant again with twins, D&D couldn't be any happier.

My life is good how it is. It's not perfect, but it's good. Looking at everything from back then till now I can say I love them both and my kids more then anything in this world.

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