Chapter 32

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Last Chapter!

A Year Later...


I looked around our backyard at our little family. Devin for some strange reason wanted to barbecue today. Which meant I cook everything else while they just flip the damn meat on the grill.

DJ and Tae were in a little kitty pool that Devon went to go buy them earlier today. One minute their fighting, the next time their acting like nothing happened. Watching them grow up in the past year as been amazing, yet terrifying because they'll soon be going to school, growing taller, having girlfriends, going to school then college, becoming grown men. I don't want them to grow up! I want them to stay little forever and never leave me. They are my everything I'll die protecting them.

I felt Devin wrap his arms around me. I know it's him because he have to always rub his manhood on somebody.

"What you thinking about baby?"

"The twins."

"What about them?"

"They're growing up so fast. Soon they'll be telling me about graduation, prom, I'll be meeting girlfriends, if any, I don't want them to grow up." I said pouting. He chuckled.

"Baby they still have plenty of growing up to do. Don't worry yourself."

"Whatever." I huffed. He grabbed my ass.

"You love me?"

"Only when you give me what's mine." I said playfully.

"Well maybe you should show me how much you love me." He said.

"Tonight I will now go flip them damn hamburgers so I can finish up in here." I said pushing him away.

"Love you too." He shouted before walking out the sliding glass doors.






"DJ you asked for that food so don't play with it." Devon said. He rolled his eyes.

"You must don't want your eyes lil boy." Devon said. He pouted.

"But dwaddy I swim now." He said.

"Finish your food then you can go back inside the pool." Devon said.

"Otay dwaddy." DJ is every spit of Devin. He has Devin attitude and ways down to the T. The door bell rung so I went to go get it.

To my surprise it was our parents, Cam, his girlfriend Brandy, and some friends.

"So we don't get invited to the party little head ass girl?" Dread said pushing passed me. I shook my head walking away from the door. I walk out to see D&D mugging the shit out of Dread.

"Gran Gran!" The twins yell running to their grandmas. Our little moment turned into one big ass party. Don't get me wrong I love my family, but we have a family of our own that we have to take care of.






It was after ten when everyone went home. The twins were bathed and sleep in bed. They wore themselves out.

In the past year everything had been good. No drama. No crazy psycho girls around. No fighting. I still think we need to get away for a while. Go out of state for a few weeks. I was brought out my thoughts when Devin walked into the room with a smirk on his face handcuffs in his hands and Devon had a whip.

"You might as well assume the position because tonight's going to be a long night." They said in unison. Did I mention they were naked as the day they were born and standing at full attention? I gulped sending a short prayer.

May the Lord be with me.

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