Chapter 29

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Today we going on a tour of U.M. It'll be good for the twins to get out the house. Since I had them their daddies don't want them going nowhere unless they with us.

"Devon stop playing and get their fucking baby bags before we're late." I said. I know he love his kids, but we need to go. Shit it was their idea in the first place. Talking about they want to know where everything is before school start. They could've did a damn virtual tour or looked at the school map.

"Alright witcha short ass." He said. I glared at him. But they be all up on this short ass.

I sat in the back with the twins and D&D were in the front. The ride to Miami was an uneventful one. DJ, Devin Junior, felt the need to get my attention by cutting up. He don't like for me to play with his brother. Reminds me of Devin. Devin and I have a connection when it comes to certain things and vice versa with Devon. Anyway like I was going to say Devin wanted a junior and Devon didn't. So we have Devin Moore Jr and Dontae Lamar Moore.






When we pulled up of course Devin had to be extra because some dudes was watching me when I bent other to pick up my phone because I dropped it. Like we just stepped foot out the car, hush.

"Devin shut the hell up and get my fucking baby for I slap your hot headed ass." I said. He looked at me.

"Fine." He said.

"I'll reward you later big daddy." I winked walking away from him to the other side of the car where Devon was.

"It better be a lap dance cause that's what a nigga need." He said. I ignored him.

"Come on." I said. They placed the twins in the stroller. Of course they would leave me to push. While they were on each side of me. I swear they act like their my body guards.

Honestly I wasn't even listening to the lady that was giving the tour. I was paying attention to these chicks that were watching my every move and lusting after D&D flesh. Like do I know you? Is there a problem? Do you need some dick or nah? I'm not trying to fight body today, I'm a mother first, but if need be I will.

We've been walking for about an hour and a half over the campus.

"Okay we going to stop and break here. The lounge is over there. You can get something to eat, drink, as well as use the restroom." The tour lady said.

"Go change them and I'll get us something to eat." I said to D&D.

I had found us a table by the window. I just was waiting on them to come back.

"Excuse me are those your brothers you were with?" It was one of the girls that were staring at me. She had two other girls behind her. I didn't even spare a second glance at her.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'.

"Who are they because, damn they are fine as hell. I'd do some things to them." Another one said. I chuckled.

"Good luck with that." I said. I turned to look at them.

"Oh honey we don't need luck. One look at us they wouldn't know what to do." The ring leader said.

"No sweety one look at y'all would be a trip to the free clinic, downtown." I said.

"So you got jokes?" She said. Attitude much.

"No just staying facts." I said.

"Who are they to you them?" She asked.

"Why do you need to know that?" Devin asked from behind them. They turned to look at them.

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