Chapter 27

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The closer she got the more nervous I got. I pray everything's fine.

"Excuse me I never did catch your name, but the young lady you brought in here today is fine. She was shot twice. Once in the leg and once in the stomach." She said. The tension in the room went down some.

"Where are my babies and wife?" Devin said. His voice was scary as fuck. I've never heard this voice before.

"I'll show you to her room the doctor will explain everything else further." She stammered. Pops was holding Dev back.

We walked into the room and it was a doctor and two other nurses.

"Everyone leave, except the doctor." I said. They rushed out the room. I looked at Kay stomach it was flat.

"Where my kids?" I asked looking at him. He gulped.

"We had to remove them. We performed an emergency c-section. There was so much blood that they couldn't breathe. We got them out in time. They are eight weeks early." He explained.

"And how is she?"

"She's fine. She will wake up soon, but she will be in pain, other then that she's fine."

"Can we see our sons?" I asked. He nodded.

Five minutes later a nurse rolled in with two incubators. I looked over at Devin. When he saw them his eyes lit up. I'm just glad he calm now.

"I'll leave them here for a while, then I have to take them back." She said. I nodded dismissing her. Twin and I both got up to see them. They were so little.

"Damn." I mumble. They both open their eyes at the same time. Oh shit. We don't even need to know which one belong to who. One of them has my eyes, the other has Devin eyes bit lighter.

"At least they don't have y'all big heads." Mama said. She always got jokes.

"My head is not big." I said rubbing my head. She laughed.

"That's not what the doctor said." She said. I hear pops and Cam laughing. I don't know why pops laughing cause we got his head.

"Pops why you laughing with that tank you got sitting on your shoulders. Every time you lean to the left the gravity around your head make everything move." He stopped laughing.

"Aye twin remember that time pops was sitting on the couch he leaned to the right and flipped over the couch and knocked a vase over from across the room. That was that gravitational pull from his big ass head." Dev said. He mugged us. I remember that day. We was cracking on him ass all day till he beat our ass. He was just salty.

"H-Help..." We hear Kay mumble as she stirred in her sleep. We rushed to her side. I softly shook her.

"Kay, Kay is okay you've safe now." Devin said. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked around the room. She tried to sit up, but I pushed her back down.

"Where are my babies?" She asked. I moved out the way so she could see them.

"I thought I wouldn't make it." She cried. I rubbed her shoulder soothingly.

"It's okay baby everything's going to be alright." I said.

When she stopped crying. I rolled the incubators next to her so she could get a closer look.

"You know who shot you?" Pops asked after a while of silence.


When I woke up I felt a burning pain in my stomach and leg. I could hear voices all around me. At least I know that their not crying. I don't want to see tears all I want to see is happy faces.

I felt like I was in a bad dream. But from this pain I knew otherwise. Looking down at my sons brought tears to my eyes. They are so small and cute.

"Who did this to you?" Dread asked. Before I could say anything Cam phone went off.

"Hello?" He put the phone on speaker. Which he never do. So something up.

"I hope you got my present." She laughed. That's that crazy bitch.

"You shot my cousin and she pregnant bitch!"

"Oh I know she your cousin, but she's still a female that I don't like and don't want around you." She said giggling.

"You're dead when I see you." He said. She just laughed and hung up. Cam was mad he almost broke his phone.

"Who was that?" Devin asked.

"My crazy ass ex from Ohio."

"What she doing all the way down here?" I just closed my eyes and listened to them talk.

"Her crazy ass followed me down here. I didn't know until Kay told me." Cam said.

"That bitch signed her death wish. She hurt what's ours, now she gone get hurt." I hear Devon say. I really didn't even have the strength to talk. Whatever they do is on them as long as the babies and I are safe and my babies are alright then I'm good. I'm tired of the drama.

I'm going on vacation.

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