Chapter Thirty Nine

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Her palms sweated as she stood nervously. The lady who'd held her hand adjusted her cap lower. It was tighter too and the woman let go of her hand. She left briskly as she checked in the other room.

Rosé continued to stare out the window. They were in a place she'd never been to before. She was confused. She'd thought she'd see Lisa Bear by now. She'd chosen to join the dungeons and stick with her best friend.

But the woman hadn't introduced her to anyone else and now they were in this creepy building. The door the woman had went in to was slightly ajar, she heard footsteps. An older black man with a beautiful young black woman came out the room. They looked like father and daughter. Rosé liked the woman's braids.

They looked at her briefly before rushing away. Turning back to the window, she soon saw a black car speed off. Something didn't feel right and she was sure this wasn't YG agency building. The voices spoke softly.

"Are you sure you want this one? From what I've heard of the training camp reps she's a bit of a crybaby," the voice was rough

"Oh don't worry, I went to your training camps personally. I picked her out myself," the man was happy.

"Still, if she doesn't suit your purposes, we can always exchange her. I know this is for your own "pet" project and I want to stay on your good side," the voice continued.

"Hahaha I'm sure we won't have to. Don't worry, I can see she's a fighter. That's what I want," she heard chairs move and decided to keep her head forward.

They exited the room and the man looked over at the girl. Her body was casted in shadow as the bright light shone behind her. He was satisfied, he was sure she was the right type for his experimentation.

The men moved towards her and Rosé kept looking forward. Their footsteps stopped close behind her and a hand turned her around. She was looking at a man's legs and felt him touch the cap. Her eyes shut involuntarily and when they reopened she felt the cap was off. Looking upwards she blinked to adjust to the light...

Her eye's met with YG's face. He dropped the bag that was covering her head and moved a chair closer to her. He sat in front of her with a slight sneer. Clyde stood behind him with the rest of team Thesaurus.

Chae continued to blink her eyes as she struggled to see clear. Someone said something but she couldn't hear properly. Her head whipped to the side as the hit stung her, turning she saw YG smirk but he was still sitting.

"I said look up, you stupid bitch," Cass's hands tingled as she slapped Chae again.

YG commanded her to stop and she nearly disobeyed him. But feeling the weight of her team's attention on her she returned to her designated position. Chae faced the man in front of her as he smiled at her. Clapping he cheered.

"You are really tough to find Ms Park," he laughed.

"Very elusive, but now you're here. Exactly where I need you to be," he shifted his head and Hayoon came over with a bottle of water. She poured it over Chae's head and YG sighed.

Giggling Hayoon placed the bottle on Chae's lips as the young woman was allowed to sip on the last bits. Hayoon moved back. Hair dripping, Chae scowled as YG continued.

"So this is what's going to happen. They're going to fly you back to Japan and you're going to kill Eric Dupont," he smiled.

"That's all really. You just need to do what you've been planning for years now. Simple right. A win win for all of us,"

He got up and lifted his cap. Chae knew that he wouldn't have gone through all of this just for her to do exactly what she'd planned. Clyde moved and the bulk of a man dragged the chair she was tied to out a different door.

Walking up to the other team members he congratulated them on their work. Their payments would be in by tonight. Hayoon smirked at the endless possible shopping sprees she would go on.

Cass stopped him on his way out.

"Sir, uhm, about what we discussed," she looked at him expectantly. He pursed his lips and shrugged.

"As long as she kills him. And it has to be her. It's easier to explain her revenge story to the other bosses than, well my involvement. Remember that. But once that's done you can do whatever you want with her," he shook Cass hand and she thanked him gladly.

Team Thesaurus boarded the plane as Chae lay unconscious. Hayoon was busy scrolling through shopping catalogues while Jungwook was playing games on his phone. Clyde buckled himself as he sat next to Cass. She handed him a drink and they toasted silently at the progress their team as made.

Haechan ran down SM agency's 45th level. He needed to get a hold of her as soon as possible. The team didn't want to lead to anymore failures and they had all taken blame for the woman's kidnapping.

Rushing in to her office, he tried to catch his breath. Irene looked at the young man and saw he was covered in sweat. She got up to go help him but his words stopped her.

"Japan," he heaved, "They're moving her to Japan. We don't know why yet but will find location soon," he lifted himself up as Irene hurriedly made the call.

Jennie relayed what she'd been told. They all listened carefully and soon Bom and Dara were searching for flights to Japan. E'dawn immediately called a contact in Osaka to deliver weapons for them.

"Dupont!" Hyuna yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the woman.

"Eric Dupont, he must be in Japan," E'dawn looked at his girlfriend and quickly caught on. This was going to be a tricky situation. Telling everyone to continue with the preparations E'dawn told them they would explain while they work.

Siyeon watched as Eric ate the steak in a rush. She'd actually wanted them to go out and had told the private chef to take the day off. But Mr Dupont had nearly beaten the shit out the man when he'd seen him trying to go.

Now they were sitting in tense silence eating the meal the chef had prepared. They hadn't left the house for two weeks. In fact she was surprised he didn't want to go to the factory to see how things were going.

He also appeared to have no questions for the continued lack of shipment deliveries from Mr Jama and Mr Tanabe. He was falling ever deeper in to reclusiveness and she didn't know why.

It was scary to see him so...timid. The man was only 35 years old, still young fit and beautiful. Physically yes but not in personality. She didn't blame any of his lover's for leaving, he really was too much.

"You should come with me tomorrow. To the factory, it'd be good for the workers to see you," they hated him but she needed him to function. If not then not only will the workers lose jobs she will too.

"I'm not going anywhere," he looked around nervously. She sighed.

"Eric...please you need to go outside for a bit. I really don't understand what you're worried about."

"The nightmare Siyeon. The nightmare," ever since Italy that was all he ever said. He didn't explain what the nightmare was actually about but each time he'd touch his neck. Giving up, she returned to trying to cut the meat the chef had clearly left raw purposefully.

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