Chapter Thirty One

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The veins on the side of his neck displayed his hearts hard work. The organ was pumping in earnest as it aided in getting across his words. Fleetingly, she thought why exactly he didn't want them to seem him. Yes, every molecule in his body was doing their best in putting across the venom in his rants but the actual sight of it all was far more terrifying. He slammed his fist on the table and the glass cracked.

Sighing, she opened a new tab and quickly ordered a new one. She made sure this one wouldn't crack. The table would arrive tomorrow at 2pm. She was growing accustomed to the lifestyle of the exuberantly wealthy. She turned at the unusual sound of quiet and saw that he was listening to something. Pausing she watched as he breathed steadily and sat, surprisingly still, to whatever voice was coming through his earphones. Not more than three minutes later, he took them off and was still quiet.

The legs of the chair squeaked as left the lounge. Inhaling deeply she released the air in preparation for what is to come. The other two women were unable to handle this level of stress and though she missed them, she did not want to be them. Siyieon thought of Hikari and Elana, with images of the companionship they'd so kindly offered her. Hikari was their Asian liason while Elana was their African one and unfortunately due to her boss affinity for the people of those two particular continents the demands placed on them were, truthfully unbearable.

Blinking she heard his footsteps and the approaching shadow loomed. She'd forgotten how she actually landed this job. All she knew was that, a few highly regarded recommendations from her exceptionally dirty work as a scout led her to the doorsteps of this man and twelve minutes in to her interview she was told to pack up her life in Korea and move in to his home to become his personal assistant. She still scouted but it had shifted to an entirely different level. One that, unbeknownst to him disgusted her to the core. However, she liked the luxuries that came with it all. For that she would really, do anything.

"We need to go back, I can't stand it here," he sunk in to the couch next to her and she saw his eyes twitch. They were residing in his family's villa carved on Sicily hills. It was bought under a pseudonym, a trait of his great-great grandfather, and tended by any member of the family who felt the need for it. It was beautiful and was a mark of unique Italian architecture with glimpses of a Roman past. However, the villa had been left destitute for quite some years. His family had so many homes, they really couldn't live in all of them.

"We need to stay low for a while and this is the perfect place for it, hardly any of our connections knows this exists," her arm waved around as gracefully as the walls she was referring to. He shook his head in dismay She had a tendency to say no to him, for his own good and initially he'd felt disrespected by it. But it saved him from a number of failed operations making him realise it was what he needed. However, right now, he couldn't stand it.

"We need to leave, I want to go back. If we still need to lay low we can go to Lagos or Cape Town or Samoa. I really don't like...Europe," the pause was far too long and for one of the most European looking men she'd ever seen, she tried not to laugh.

"Those places are all well-known spots of yours. Going there would be the complete opposite of our objective," she always found herself repeating things. He just couldn't take no for an answer.

"I want to go back to Japan, Siyieon. I need to go back," there was a tinge of desperation in his eyes. He had to oversee the operation personally. She'd found that the man had an unhealthy addiction to being in control. It showed in his families multi-billion dollar drug and sex trafficking operation. But moreover it showed with almost everyone he personally had to interact with, including her.

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