Chapter Nineteen

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She watched, frozen not by what she was seeing but by the realisation that she was expecting it. This did not surprise her and that was a frightening thought. Lee leaned close to her ear; her voice was as soft as melted butter.

"They can't see us, but they know we are watching," she whispered.

Chae carried on watching as the older man continued jerking off to the two teenagers making out in front of him. They had passed a number of windows that had similar and worst scenes. She wanted to barge in to all these rooms and shoot each adult abusing these children. She wanted pull all the children in to her arms and lead them away from this nightmare. She wanted to tell them that she knew. She knew how they felt. That it wasn't right but they'll be okay. Lee began walking back. Chae blinked the wetness away from her eyes. The elevator ride back up was quiet. When they returned to Lee's room, she immediately poured them each a glass of wine.

"What you just saw is only one of my many reasons, for joining your cause. When Minzy described what you were planning on doing I thought it was ludicrous. But then, then I thought maybe it wasn't," Lee slurped down her drink.

Chae looked off to the side. She had never thought that her plan was a "cause". It had never even occurred to her that, that was how others would view it. She was just doing something she wanted to do. Something she needed to do...mainly for herself. Everyone she has asked for help along the way was just that, help.

"Lee, is that what "any means possible" is? Some of those kids don't have a choice, we didn't have a choice," Chae's eyes became blank.

"Rosé, not having a choice is what "any means possible" means. Almost every agent in this agency has been there. Some of us stay here," Lee shifted in her seat.

Lee's words brought no comfort to her. Chae's temper was boiling but she knew she needed to remain calm. If she wanted to succeed she needed to be focused. But what they had just seen brought out so many memories that she was still coming to terms with. She gripped her throat as the image of a ghostly hand played before her. Darkness, all she knew was darkness. Lee saw that the red head's pupils were increasing in size. She placed down her drink.

"Rosé, are you alright?''

Lee's voice snapped Chae out of her thoughts. Chae rolled her tongue around the inside of her mouth. She nodded slightly at Lee. Her phone buzzed, she answered it.


"Hey Chae, I was wondering where you are? We got news that the suspension is lifted. We can continue with the investigation," said Jennie.

"Really? That's great. I'm having a drink with a friend. I'll come to you after I'm done. Where are you?"

"I'm in my room. Jisoo and Lisa just left. Will you be long?" asked Jennie

"No I won't. We're practically finished here," said Chae.

"Okay then, I'll see you soon," said Jennie.

"Yeah, see you now ," Chae ended the call.

She told Lee that she needed to go. The other woman told her that it was fine. Making her way to the door Chae waited. Lee came out of her room and handed her a small card.

"His details," she said.

Chae thanked her and Lee told her that she can come visit her anytime. Chae nodded and promised she will. Placing the card in the inside pocket of her jacket, Chae headed towards the elevator.

Jennie sat on the couch and read the information on her screen. Hysteria's opening event didn't have a theme. But she saw that there was a large interest from the public. Someone knocked on her door and she gingerly went to go open it. Chae gave her a tender smile. Jennie took in the beauty of the red head and she realised that she actually really missed her. It had only been a few hours since they saw each other but clearly it wasn't enough. Chae stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

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