Chapter Thirty Eight

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But not Chae. A moan escaped her as the red head moved lower. Jennie's eyes rolled back slightly as the younger woman dotingly gave her everything she never knew she needed.

Jennie rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she adjusted to the light. Wondering what the time was she soon realised that Irene was kneeling before her. Her friend handed her a glass of water and she took it thanking her. Sitting up, Jennie saw that Lisa was staring out of a window blankly as Jisoo spoke with Hyolyn.

The blonde had not said a word since the ordeal yesterday. It was still too fresh, still too real. Irene moved to sit next to Jennie and she chugged down on the water. Her friend patted her leg comfortingly.

Bom skipped past as she spoke on the phone. They were trying to get the police to release Jinwoo and GSoul's bodies without raising suspicions. It was proving to be difficult.

Minzy and Jessi were busy on the other phones as well, doing the same thing. While Dara was preoccupied with destroying any records that showed the girls stayed in the suburban neighbourhood.

CL entered with Hyuna following her. E'dawn was acting similar to Lisa and was currently sipping quietly on his coffee by a nearby stool. He'd lost two good friends and potentially might lose another. There's was nothing for him to say.

"Any word from your boys?" CL asked as she stood before Irene.

"No, but the spy units are working as fast as they can. We should be able to track a location soon," she replied.

"I'm telling you she's in YG's building," Hyuna released desperately.

"What we need to do, is figure out how to get her back," she was furious. They'd killed some of her best men and kidnapped a woman she was really growing fond of. She was ready for murder.

"Where was all this energy before," Lisa looked at Hyuna vehemently.

"What you trying to say kid," the older woman's senses were heightened.

"Maybe if you had just told us where you guys were months ago this whole thing could have been avoided," Lisa's eyes were filled with determination.

"You better keep you're fucking mouth shut and learn to respect your elders," Hyuna walked up to the blonde angrily. E'dawn rushed to pull back his girlfriend while Jisoo urged hers to apologise.

"What we did and didn't do doesn't change a fucking thing. I suggest you stop pouting like a little bitch and help us to actually get her back," Hyuna was pointing

"Oh go fuck yourself," said Lisa. She stormed out of Jisoo's grasp and left the room. Hyuna was breathing heavily and shook E'dawn's arms off. CL looked at her and shook her head.


"She's hurting Hyuna," said CL.

"And I'm not," she shook in disbelief.

"I didn't say that. But you are wiser," CL gave her a disappointing look as she and Jisoo went to search for the furious blonde.

Hyuna's eyes stung with angry tears, she rarely cried and she refused to let them fall in front of all these people. She walked back in to CL's office and slammed the door. E'dawn gave a sad look but resigned to give her some time alone.

Sighing, Irene saw that Jennie's face were in her hands. Removing them, the brunette's face spoke of extreme exhaustion.

"We'll get her back Jen," she whispered. The younger woman just looked at her numbly. Her mind was swarming with thoughts of killing that man who'd taken Chae.

She wondered if this sense of loathing is exactly what was driving her lover to exact revenge on Eric Dupont. She felt a new wave of connection with Chae.

YG walked slowly behind Clyde as the man led him to a dark corridor. He'd forgotten how large his building was and could not remember when last he'd been this far down. Their footsteps echoed as YG's emotions bounced. He'd finally got her and soon he'd be able to get everything else he'd worked so hard for. Giddily he followed Clyde through a door and coasted on his excitement.

Lisa sat guiltily before Hyuna as she struggled to hold eye contact. The older woman was staring straight through her with harms cross. Seeing a stern look from Jennie behind Lisa she sighed as she reached for the blonde's hands.

"Listen Lisa, I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all of you," she gave Jennie and Jisoo each a look.

"You're right, things could have gone down better and I apologise for my part in that. Will you forgive," she gave Lisa a hopeful smile as the blonde returned the gesture.

"I'm sorry for blaming you and for being disrespectful. You and everyone else have been doing the best they could. No one's to blame. Please forgive me too," Jisoo was happy to see them embrace.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the episode had been resolved. Mainly due to Jennie giving each woman a rant on how Chae would not want any of them fighting.

The brunette's mind was fully occupied with her lover's safety and she knew Chae would not want her team to turn in to disarray. She gave both Lisa and Hyuna a thumbs up as E'dawn placed an arm around her. She smiled at him and soon after everyone was hurrying to suggest ideas on how to move forward. They were going to get Chae back and this time Jennie was not going to let anyone take her away from them. 

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