A Mouse's Memories - EXTRA

Start from the beginning

Margo nodded.

"The water there calms you," Magda said, her gaze wistful. "I'll tell you a secret, Liessie." A smile blossomed on Magda's rounded face. Margo inhaled. "Promise not to tell Ma and Da?"

Margo shook her head ecstatically. She hadn't known her sister to carry any secrets, and if Magda'd had any, she'd never revealed them to Margo.

Magda chuckled and looked both ways before continuing. "I visited the Twins before my first cycle too." Margo's eyes bulged. She had never thought her and her sister were much alike but, did Magda really enjoy the Twins? Could it be?

Magda continued. "I did," she said, shouldering her sister. "I thought I was clever. Wore a long skirt to cover up my sandals because I knew they'd get dirty." Margo gulped. She knew she should have worn a longer skirt. Magda's voice grew quiet, her radiance lashing out against her skin in rolling waves of blistering pinks.

Margo blinked to make certain of what she was seeing. The perfect Magdallina Browntail was blushing.

"I tripped over the hem of that sand's cursed dress. Face planted into the river bed. Covered head to toe in mud and muck." She grimaced as she made a motion with her hand of it falling flat. "The other kids in my cycle called me, Magda Mudface. Stupid nickname stuck for two whole cycles." Her radiance stopped pulsing and flickered back to a brightness Margo had come to associate with her older sister. "It wasn't until I blew them all away with my test scores that they stopped calling me that." Her chest swelled with pride.

Magda pulled her sister into an embrace. "They'll love you," she leaned in and kissed Margo's forehead. "And if they don't, they'll have me to deal with."

As soon as she released Margo her eyes fell to the stack of books Margo'd been carrying. Magda's face fell instantly, her brilliant smiled replaced with a scowl.

"Margolisse," Magda said. Margo winced and held the stack of books to her chest. Magda shook her head. "You know what Da said about taking that outside the house." She folded her arms across her chest. "You're lucky he even lets you keep it."


Magda held out a hand.

Margo shook her head. "But Maggie, Gran gave me this book. She wanted-"

"Gran was old," Magda interjected. "She didn't know what she was doing when she returned to the Sands. You need to give that silly hobby up. Become a crafter like Da. Or a Charm Weaver like Ma. Do something respectable with your life."

Margo cast her gaze down, skimming the spine of her navy book. The Wizard Kellog's Whiskers and Tails: Beginner Spells for Those of the Cloude.

It was Margo's most treasured possession, and despite her Da's dislike at having his youngest own something that would further her
notions of becoming a Cloudian Wizardess, he let her keep it- under her bed and out of sight.

"We'll need magick," Margo said furrowing her brows. "Nocturnis is raising an army of undead."

Magda smacked her sister's arm. "Where'd you hear that?"

"I overheard Da."

Magda sighed. "You really should be a spy, the way you overhear things you shouldn't." Magda grabbed Margo's elbow and pulled her forward.

Margo stumbled as she was led through Heidmarr's gates, no one giving a stray glance to the Browntail sisters. People who knew Magda probably thought this behavior was normal for the fourth cycle and it was. Magda always pushed Margo forward, even when the younger mouse-girl desired a moment to stop and breathe.

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