Happy New Year! (PP)

Začít od začátku

(You can do your hair however you want)(Or you can imagine any other outfit!😊)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(You can do your hair however you want)
(Or you can imagine any other outfit!😊)

I head out of my room and everyone's dressed up and ready to celebrate the new year.

I sit down on the couch by Wanda.

"Hey Y/n! You ready for the new year?" She asks

"Yup!" I reply

"Any New Years resolutions?" She asks

"(Your New Years resolution/s here)" I say

She nods.

"What about you?" I ask

"Just, spend more time with you guys." She says

"And Vis?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

She hits be lightly and I just giggle.

"Are you excited to see your boyfriend?" Wanda asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stoppp." I groan but smile at her.

"Isn't this your first New Years together?" She asks

"Yeah, we started dating January 4th." I say

"You excited?" She asks

"Yeah. He really means a lot to me." I say

"He probably feels the same" she smiles

The elevators open and out comes Peter and May.

"Happy New Year!" They say

"Happy New Year!" We all reply.

May talks to the Pepper and Nat.

Peter comes over to me and Wanda.

"Hey Y/n, Wanda." He says smiling.

"Hello Peter." She says

"Hey Pete." I say smiling.

Wanda gets up.

"I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds alone." She says smirking. Then she walks away.

"Happy New Year Babe." Peter says and kisses my cheek.

"Happy New Year Babe ." I say

"You ready for 2019?" He asks

"Yeah. Are you?" I ask

"Yup!" He says

"Any resolutions?" I ask him.

"Yeah, spend more time with my amazing girlfriend." He says looking me in the eye.

"And spend more time with the rest of my other friends. And May. Spider-Man takes up  a lot of time." He says

"It does. But babe you save a lot of people daily." I say

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat