1. Gone

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The hunters are gone and so is Theo.
I'm not even sure if he's still dead, he's just gone.
Not even Melissa knows where he could be.
She said that he was in the morgue the last time she saw him.
I thought Edward had something to do with it so I went to his hiding spot in the woods, but it was completely empty, there was no sign of anyone ever living there.
Deaton even checked Eichen House, but he didn't find anything either, not even in the 'Supernatural wing' as we call it.
I can't tell what's worse, Theo being dead or not knowing what happened to his body.
I know it's just wishful thinking, but I'm hoping that he's alive somewhere and that he'll come back to me so I can finally tell him how I feel.

A knock on the door brings me back to reality and I look at it to see my mum standing there.
"Can I come in?" she asks softly and I just shrug.
She shoots me a sympathetic look as she slowly walks in, sitting down at the foot of my bed.
"Talk to me," she says, crossing her legs as she faces me and I don't want to, but I tell myself that I've been quiet for too long.
She knows what happened and she's just trying to help, so I say it, the only thing that I can get out "I miss him," I respond and she caresses my ankle "I know," she half-whispers, looking down a little.
"You'll find him again, don't worry," she informs, looking back at me "But this is different than last time," I say "What if his body is in some ditch somewhere?" I question as the thought crosses my mind and she shakes her head frantically "God, no," she exclaims "If his body was in a ditch, which isn't even an option , Stilinski or Parrish would've found him by now," she explains.
"If Parrish found Theo's body, there would be nothing left of him," I say and that image is way worse than Theo just being dead.
"Oh honey," she soothes, leaning closer to give me a hug. It's kinda awkward, considering we're both on my bed, but I still hold her tight.
She pulls away after a couple of seconds and presses a kiss to my cheek before making her way to the door. "Before I forget," she speaks up, turning around on her heels "Mason is going to be here in five minutes," she informs and I whine.
"Honey, you can't just stay in bed all day, you've been lying there for three days straight," she informs before leaving completely.
I sigh, before rolling off my bed to change into something other than PJ's
I simply run my fingers through my messy bed-hair, not really bothered by it.
I don't have to look nice, because I don't have anyone to look nice for.
And it's not like Mason is gonna take me somewhere special.
Scalia and Stydia aren't in Beacon Hills anymore, they went back to college, not wanting to risk being kicked out on their first year. They have to make up for lost time and since there are no more treats, we all have the opportunity to lead 'normal' lives.
I don't really remember what my life used to be like before being sucked into the supernatural world.
I remember certain things here and there, but they don't seem that special.
The ring of the doorbell brings me back to reality and I look around to see that I walked downstairs without realizing it.

Gone - Sequel to TwistedWhere stories live. Discover now