47. Disbelief

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I left the ballroom for a much needed bathroom break. The speeches would begin soon and I didn't want to leave in the middle of the gala. More than anything, I knew I didn't want to give Katherine Meritt any additional reasons to hate me. I cringed again in anticipation of our arranged seating. Roland refrained from mentioning where we would eat until tonight. Much to my chagrin, we would be seated next to his parents, a fact that I deeply loathed.

If Roland can do it, so can I.

Or, at least, that's what I kept telling myself. I squeezed past a rowdy group and made my way to the bathroom. With a sigh, I locked myself into a stall. I took a few slow, deep breaths in a futile attempt to steady my nerves. Panic threatened to break free and dash through my mind. I swallowed hard in an attempt to keep it in check. I was completely and hopelessly on edge, but I was uncertain as to why. The idea of an awkward supper with Roland's parents shouldn't leave me feeling this rattled.

I pondered over my anxious emotions while I finished up. Once I felt more brave, I paused in front of a large mirror. I adjusted my hair and wiped away a persistent smudge of mascara. My makeup was almost completely intact, in spite of the slight sheen of sweat creeping across my flushed cheeks. Not that I really minded having unintentionally rosy cheeks, if anything it tied my entire look together. In the empty bathroom I could admire my reflection for a moment, allowing this small, yet rare indulgence for my pride.

I straightened my dress, frowning at the way the material rubbed against my skin. The fabric of my dress was slightly itchy, which is why I didn't initially notice the slight fluctuation of my tattoos. I flinched and gripped my arm tightly as dread flowed through my beleaguered mind.

No. No. Please... Not tonight.

I could only look on in dread as the ink wobbled and began to change. The burning sensations felt amplified due to the state of my frazzled nerves. I cast a suspicious glance around the bathroom as my tattoos settled, feeling slightly relieved to see I was still alone.


I studied my arm reluctantly in the mirror. I could see rows of set tables, one was tipped sideways with shattered glass peppering the floor around it. I could see well dressed people ducking for cover. On the inside of my bicep was the barrel of an assault style rifle. Above the scene I could just make out an elaborate floral garlands.


I dashed towards the ballroom, not caring a lick as I nearly knocked over a waiter in the lobby. When I was near the entrance, I found myself blocked by several large security guards.

"Please, I need to get through."

"These doors are to remain shut after seven, ma'am." He gestured toward a clock on the far wall. It was seven 'o clock.

"I am a guest of Roland Meritt."

"I'm sorry ma'am." The second security guard stepped closer to my trembling frame. "We are acting on the orders of Milo Meritt.

"You don't understand," my pleasant facade was cracking fast. "I have to get in there."

I need to warn Roland. Oh god, something horrible is going to happen!

"V?" To my relief, Roland was peering over the shoulder of the first security guard. "Please, gentlemen, let her through."

They eyed me curiously before allowing me to pass. I rushed into the room as an overwhelming panic began to lap at my heels.

"I need to talk to you." My voice trembled slightly as I glanced around the ballroom. There were several hundred people seated here, how could I possibly save them all?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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