31. Great

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I closed my eyes and focused on relaxing. Despite the fact that I had been handcuffed to a wall for what felt like hours, I knew I needed to focus. I needed to stay calm. Panicking had gotten me nowhere.

I slowed my breathing and focused, reaching for something I was not entirely sure existed. I thought of the brief image of waves that flashed before my eyes several days ago. I thought of the strange sensation within my mind. Something flexed and showed me an image I wouldn't fully understand before now. When Clout pushed me off the docks, I had heard the gentle lap of the waves before. The sound was present in my earlier vision.

"I saw the future." My voice was a trembling whisper that matched the growing trembling  of my hands. I spoke a little louder. "I saw the future."

I attempted to ignore the fearful giddiness blossoming across my stomach as I refocused on the task at hand. I tried to clear my mind as I began to slowly recreate the same process. Despite my cramping arm and my growing need to find a toilet, I felt at ease.

This time I focused on the image on my arm. I began to construct a photo in my mind of the deli, which was difficult since I had never been inside. I merged the image on my arm with what I had seen walking by the deli's front window.

I imagined myself just inside, standing in front of the counter. Various cuts of meat were on display in refrigerated cases. The floor was scuffed and slightly uneven. A large shelf to my left was filled with spices and condiments. A radio on the back counter was playing faint oldies music.

Wait, oldies music? I can't possibly know that.

Except I did know what music was on the radio. I could hear it just as I felt something shift within my head. I watched as a man wearing an apron was returning a toppled shelf back into an upright position. He bent down and scooped up a few boxes that scattered across the floor. I turned to look out the front window, seeing a police car pull away slowly.

The image began to distort as my arm prickled. I struggled to maintain the image as the burning in my arm increased. Just before I let the vision go, a familiar figure walked out of a back room.


I'd recognize him anywhere. He approached the apron clad man and clapped him on the back.

"Did you plant the tracker?"

The apron clad man nodded, appearing completely at ease. "The detective never noticed a thing."

"You did well."

I opened my eyes with a gasp and struggled to my feet. The handcuffs clattered against the radiator in protest.

What the hell?

I had completely forgotten about my current predicament. I cringed as pins and needles gripped my cuffed hand. I wiggled my fingers as the feeling returned to my hand. The cuff left an angry, red mark on my wrist. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bruised tomorrow.

I leaned against the wall, pondering my vision. The textured wall was cool against my back. I sighed and tilted my head back as a headache began. I absentmindedly rubbed my temples.

"The deli was a bust."

I glared at the super standing on the opposite side on my livingroom. "You bastard! You left me handcuffed to the wall!"

"Clout was long gone by the time I arrived. The police were already inside."

He quickly crossed the room and dug a small key out of his pocket. When I was free, I lashed out. My palm connected with Specter's face. The loud slap was the only sound between us. Specter stepped back, giving me space. He remained stoic, but I saw surprise flicker through his eyes.

"Did you go inside?" My voice shook as I struggled to regain control.



He regarded me curiously. "What did you see?"

Oh shit.

I had forgotten about his other ability. I glared at him as I realized what our brief contact did. "Clout never left the store."

"You saw that?"

I raised my chin in defiance. "Yes. Now get out."



"V, it wasn't safe. That deli is one of Clout's hideouts. We had no-"

I raised my voice, as my anger grew. "Get out of my apartment!"
Specter vanished without a word.

"Bastard," I muttered angrily to myself.

I quickly stormed to the bathroom. When I was finished, I pulled a warm sweater over my shirt. The soft, knit material had a soothing effect on me. With a sigh, I collapsed onto the couch. I reached for my phone, noticing a few texts from Roland. I decided to call him. After the third ring, he picked up.



"What's up, V?"

I pulled me knees to my chest. "Nothing. You?"

"Preparing for a meeting tomorrow with the board."

"Sounds lame."

I hear Roland chuckle softly into the phone. The sound made goosebumps raise across my skin. "Yeah. But somebody has to do it." He paused for a moment, "How are you?"

"Eh. I've had better days... Do you ever have those days when you think you know someone and they prove you wrong?"


"I had a- a former coworker stop by." It felt bad lying to Roland. I needed to vent, but I also needed to change some of the details to keep him safe. "I thought he was... Well, he ended up being different than the way I remembered him."

"How so?"

I pause, searching for the right words. "I thought... I thought he was someone I could trust." I tried to keep my voice light, but I couldn't conceal the bitter edge that underscored each word.

"Shit, V, are you okay?"

"I think so."

This is what I get for trusting him.

Roland's voice abruptly changed in tone. "I'm coming over after work tomorrow."

"No, that's okay. I'm fine."

"Nonsense. I'm coming over to cheer you up."


Don't betray my trust. Don't be like him.

Roland broke the brief silence between us. "You excited for work tomorrow?"

I swallowed nervously. Tomorrow marked my first day at Meritt Industries. I felt my stomach churn nervously. "Uh. I... Yeah. I mean, I'm worried I'll mess something up, but I'm ready."

"You're nervous!" Amusement was evident in Roland's voice. "Don't worry, you'll be great!"

Foresight: A Superhero StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin