32. Distribution

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I stood in the lobby of Merit Industries. The building was swarming with smartly dressed men and women of all ages. I tugged nervously at my cream colored sweater and army green slacks. I wasn't sure how, but the high ceiling and lavish decor felt ominous, like a cavernous opening ready to swollow me whole. With timid steps, I approached the reception desk.

"Excuse me..."

The male receptionist looked up. He took in my clothes and furrowed his brow. I wasn't dressed in a three piece suit, but I looked professional..  Or so I thought. Judging by the look he was giving me, I began to doubt myself.

I should have worn something... Fancier.

"How can I help you?"

"Uh, my name's-" I suppressed the building dread in my stomach. "- Sylvia. I'm supposed to have my first day of training.

His eyes light up with realization. "Oh, you're the new hire. Welcome aboard." He shook my hand. The judgemental stare was gone, but the kindness that replaced it didn't exactly feel authentic. "If you take a right down that hall you'll find an elevator. HR is on the second floor. Take a left off the elevator. Ask for Amy." The man then turned his attention to another person looking for directions.

I followed his directions, finding the elevator quite easily. I couldn't help but gape at my surroundings. Everything about the Meritt Industries building was effortlessly minimalistic, yet lavish. The decor was inviting and bright. My eyes hungrily lapped up every detail.

I walked through the glass doors of the HR office. Sunlight trickled in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, basking the entire office in a soft light. This place was different than the front lobby. Instead of harsh lines and imposing ceilings, I found the whole area to be cheerful and inviting.

"Hello! You must be Sylvia!"

I flinched slightly before regaining my composure. I doubt that I will ever feel comfortable being called by my name. "Hi."

A plump, red headed woman stood before me. "I'm Amy. It's so nice to meet you. Are you excited for your first day?"

"Yeah." My response sounds forced. 

"It's okay to be nervous! I was nervous on my first day too." Her smile was radiant. I found myself liking her already. "First off, we need to get your picture taken for your ID badge. Follow me."

Amy spoke the entire way up to the 5th floor. I learned my ID badge will function as a key, getting me into all the areas I will be working in. The card will also allow me to log onto computers and log how many hours I work. I can't help but marvel at how efficient the whole system is.

Amy talked practically non stop while I was posed for my photo. I forced my normally somber face into a smile as I struggled not to blink as the camera flashed. I tried to listen intently to her words, but I found my thoughts drifting elsewhere.

Why did he do that? Why did he have handcuffs?

"Well look at you. Such a pretty picture!"

I blink and look up at Amy. She is holding my new ID badge in her hands. I accept the badge and stare at the picture. I am startled when I struggle to recognize myself. The woman in the picture has a friendly smile but sad eyes. The camera's flash made my skin look slightly sallow. I studied my makeup rimmed eyes and the dark circles below them. The liner around each eye was clumsily applied. The uneven lines detracted from the photo.

The photo doesn't look much like me. At least, not like the version of me I see in the mirror every morning. I never wear makeup or tie my hair back. I guess keeping up appearances is something I gave up on a long time ago. Everything from the slope of my shoulders to the look on my face speak of someone accustomed to the heavy burden of sadness.

"If you don't like it we can take another one." Amy's face was contorted with concern. 

I clip on my badge and give her my best fake smile. "I like it."

Amy smiles in response. "Good! Now we'll go to the courier office and find Mike. He'll be training you this week." She turns and walks back to the elevator, her heels clicking against the marble floor. I shuffled behind her, wondering if I would be able to fit in here. So far, it seemed like I was a fish out of water.

To my surprise, instead of heading to the main elevator, Amy lead me to a small elevator hidden away in a corner. She touched her ID badge to the sensor and the door opened with a beep. We crowded into the claustrophobic space. The main elevator was spacious and impressive, this one was not. The service elevator was just big enough for four people. I tried to breath through my mouth to avoid the headache inducing scent of Amy's perfume.

The cramped, dark space didn't cramp Amy's style. She continued to chatter about how Meritt Industries was formed as she pushed the button for the basement. I could tell by the way Amy spoke that she thought Roland's father walked on water. When the conversation turned to Maritt Industries heir apparent,  I found my interest peaked.

"... He's already Amber City's most eligible bachelor and a certified genius. Now he's paving the way for a new life-saving technologies. His leadership and tenacity have increased Meritt stocks three fold in the last year."

With a ding, the tiny elevator shuttered to a stop. I exited the elevator, relieved to suck in a breath of fresh air. The basement of the building consisted of plain concrete walls and fluorescent lights that casted a slightly eerie blue glow. The air felt especially dry and the narrow hallway we stood in smelled like cardboard and motor oil.

"I'm afraid the basement can be a bit jarring, but what it lacks in visuals it makes up for with functionality. Everything down here has been designed for maximum efficiency."

Amy lead me down several narrow hallways until we reached a large room filled with long counters and wheeled carts filled with various boxes and envelopes. There were around twenty people, mostly men, busy sorting through piles of letters and parcels. They were all dressed more casually than the workers on the upper levels. I was pleased to see my outfit fit in better down here.

"This is our distribution center." Amy looked around the room. "Now where is Mike..."

Loud rock music played on some speakers at the far end of the room. I could see several desks with computers on them. To our right was an entrance to a loading dock filled with several large overhead doors. Amy noticed which direction I was looking in.

"Ah. I see you've found where the deliveries take place."

"How often do deliveries arrive?"

Amy looked surprised. "Oh I'm afraid I can't answer that."

"But I can!"

Amy and I turned to see a short man in his thirties. He had a short, scruffy beard and blonde hair that was thinning on top. He extended his hand and I shook it. "I'm Mike."

Amy looked relieved... Almost as if having me around was a burden. I wondered if her cheerful persona was as artificial as her suffocating perfume. "Well, this is where I leave you. It was great to meet you Sylvie."

Mike and I watched as Amy left. Once she was out of earshot, he mumbled under his breath. "Can't stand that woman."

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