30/12/18 ~ HBD TAE

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💌 My dearest Taehyung. You are the love of my life. You are my sun, moon and stars. You are my entire universe, with all of the wonderful things inside it combined into one perfect man. You are my lifeline. You have taken my heart and I don't think I'll ever get it back from you. I wonder each and everyday whether it's possible for me to love you so incredibly much, when you don't even know I exist. But with each passing day, I end up loving you more than I did the previous day. The smallest things about you make my heart beat. The way you play with the back of your hair, the way you laugh, the way you eat, the way you sneeze, the way you sing, the way you dance, the way you lick your lips every 10  seconds (slightly exaggerated but you know what I mean), the way you pronounce things in English.. This list could go on and on. Everything about you attracts me to you more and more. When you smile, I smile. When you cry, I cry. You are on my mind every second of every minute of every hour of every day. I just can't shut up about how amazing you are and about how much I love you; just ask my family and friends who are probably kind of sick of hearing your name. I know that I am just an insignificant 14 year old girl who is crazily in love with this very beautiful, talented and successful 23 year old idol singer that lives on the other side of the world; and I also know that there are millions of other people who love you just like I do. But you are so special to me. Sometimes I wonder whether I'll ever fall in love with anyone else, or love anyone as much as I love you. But I'm only 14 and I have my whole life ahead of me, so I'm sure I'll find someone someday (hopefully). Although I can't imagine ever finding anyone as wonderful as you. One day you too will find that lucky lady who you will live the rest of your life with. I wish you the best of luck with her, and even when I myself get a boyfriend (I can't imagine that ever happening but still), I know that you will always have a place in my heart, and that I will never forget this magical period of time in my life when I was in love with the one and only Kim Taehyung. Somewhere, in some strange parallel universe, I hope that we are together (obviously not when I'm 14 and you're 23 because that would be weird). And I really hope that one day I can meet you, and see your gorgeous face up close and in person. I am lucky enough to have seen you perform live, so I guess I'm slowly getting there. :) Please take care of yourself and don't make me worry about you so much; eat healthily, don't skip your meals, and take lots of rest. I understand how much pressure you are under every single day and how hard it must be for you; I really am sorry that you are having to go through difficult times, but I hope that your life is filled mainly with happy and fun times. I would go through all the hard times for you if I could, but unfortunately life doesn't work like that. There is one final thing I need to say. And that is thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you so much. You have made such a hugely positive impact in my life and you never fail to cheer me up. You help me get through the hardest of times and I appreciate you every single day. I wish that I could buy you all of the presents in the world, but sadly I can't do that either. So all I can do is send you all of my love and hugs and kisses through this cringe and cliche but also heartfelt letter, and wish you all of the best for the future and for the rest of your hopefully long and happy life. I hope you have the most spectacular and stunning birthday you have ever dreamt of, because you deserve it. I love you more than I can ever put into words. Happy birthday Taehyung, my shining angel. 🎂♥️

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