Twenty Four.~

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I cried some more when I got home to my dorm.

Not because of me worrying that our relationship could end or anything. I trusted Jungkook that everything would be okay. Simply because I missed him.


I was lying in my bed, starting to doze off, when Sooyung burst in.

'Y/n! You have to see this right now!'
She practically threw a newspaper at me as she hurried over to me.

To my horror, one of the pictures on the second page were of me and Jaemin walking together. In big letters above it, read 'Na Jaemin and BigHit trainee dating!?'.

I buried my face into the newspaper. This couldn't be happening. ME AND JAEMIN HAD DATING RUMOURS!? EVEN THOUGH WE HAD ONLY MET YESTERDAY!?

This was bad. Very bad. Bad for me,my group, BigHit, Jaemin, NCT and pretty much everyone.

WHAT IF TAE SAW THIS AND DECIDED TO LEAVE ME FOR GOOD!? Ah I would seem like such a great girlfriend; ditching my boyfriend for someone else as soon as we had an argument.


'Okay,okay. Let's stay calm.' She took a deep breath and I did the same.

'We can just tell BigHit to announce that the rumours are false and that you two are just friends. Simple.' She suggested.

'B-but. That means I have to tell our manager. And Jaemin.' I sighed.

'And probably Taehyung too. He is your boyfriend after all.' Sooyung added. 'Look don't worry too much y/n. Loads of idols get silly rumours like this spread about them. It was bound to happen. Although I did not expect the rumours to be with Na Jaemin aha.'

I just sighed again and layed back on my bed and closed my eyes.

'Night y/n. Don't stress too much.' Sooyung said, patting my arm before going to her own bed.

'Goodnight.' I muttered, and within seconds I was fast asleep.

~ 3 days later ~

Me and Jungkook sat at the park, drinking slushies. We'd both finished our schedule for the day and so we were just hanging out together and chatting.

'How was practice today?' I asked, sipping my slushie.

'Good good.' He replied. 'Our comeback is fast approaching.'

'Mhm. I'm excited for you.'

'Aw haha. What about your debut? Any idea when that's gonna happen?' Jungkook asked, looking at me curiously.

'Nope. But soon. Sooner then we think anyway.'

'I can't wait for when you debut. You'll be even busier than you already are but still, it'll be fun if we're both idols.'

I laughed as Jungkook grinned at me.

'All the members doing okay?' I asked.
'I haven't gotten to talk any of them recently.'

'Oh yeah everyone is fine. Even Tae seems better than a few days ago.' He said softly.

I felt tears prickle my eyes. Tae has completely shut me off. We hadn't even spoken or communicated in any way since that night when he said that we maybe needed space. Maybe he was happier now, away from me. But it made no sense. Everything was fine before... But was it really? We had barely got to see each other but our relationship felt fine as always, to me anyway. Maybe Tae felt different. I wanted him to honestly tell me the truth. Not just ignore me like this. It was killing me.

Jungkook put his arm around my shoulder and sat closer to me on the bench.

'I'm here for you.' He said.

I rested my head on his shoulder. I would have probably tried to call or find Tae and talk to him earlier, if it wasn't for my busy schedule. The past few days had gone through pretty fast, but all I could think about at the back of my mind was Tae. The sound of his laughter, every little detail on his face. I missed him so badly and now that I had some free time to think about it, I just wanted to run to him.

Being a trainee was harder than I thought. God knows how difficult being an idol was. But it was my dream and all that I had been working towards for all this time. I could never give it up.

'Hey, should I get us some ice cream? I know we just had slushies but the weather is pretty warm soo..' Jungkook suggested.

'Yeah, why not.' I agreed.

'Okay, I'll be back soon!'

And with that Jungkook went out of sight as he went to find an ice cream van. I sat alone on the bench, sucking up the remains of my watery slushie through my straw.

Life had been crazy recently. I wish things could just go back to how they were.

Sighing yet again, I threw my empty slushie cup into the bin nearby, when a person nearby caught my eyes.

It was Tae.

He stood a few metres away from my bench, just staring at me. He was wearing sandals, loose trousers and a deep green shirt. A hat covered his slightly messy hair and he was holding onto Yeontan's lead.

We made eye contact, both frozen to the spot.

Tan, who was yapping loudly and bouncing around, suddenly spotted me and raced over to me, dragging Tae slightly forwards.

I couldn't ignore Tannie.

Just as I got up to pet him, Tae yanked his lead and turned around to face the other direction, starting to slowly walk away. He was ignoring me just like that. This time I was mad. I was sick of just being ignored and treated like this when I didn't do anything wrong.

'Wow. Unbelievable. You're just gonna ignore me like that?'

Tae stopped walking at the sound of my voice, still facing the other direction.

'You don't have the confidence to talk to me, tell me how you're feeling, explain to me what I've done wrong?

I shook my head, feeling the tears coming again.

Tae slowly turned around to face me, sighing. He stared at me for a second before starting to speak.

'Look. I'm not entirely sure what happened that night or what really went wrong. But we're both so busy we rarely get to even see each other. I felt like something in our relationship has just not been right lately. Maybe it's better if we just have a break from each other to settle our differences and have some time by ourselves.'

As each and every word left his mouth, it felt like I was being hit in the heart repeatedly, over and over again, with a hammer.

He was saying all of this so easily, as if I didn't mean anything to him anymore. As if all the beautiful memories and times we'd shared together were nothing now.

The tears were flowing down my cheeks as I just stared at him, shaking my head.

'I understand it's hard for you, it's hard for me too. But we're both so busy and stressed out, our careers and relationships are just not working out side by side. What's even the point of dating and having a serious relationship if we never get to see each other? I'm technically not supposed to be having a relationship anyway. Sometimes you have to move on y/n. I'm not saying this is the end of us, I'm simply just saying let's take a break.' He said.
'I know before we were both a lot less busier and we saw each other a lot, spent a lot of time with each other. But things are different now. Things change. People move on. This isn't the way I wanted to do this. I didn't want to ignore you or hurt you so badly. But
somehow it ended up being this way.'

'S-so you were planning to break up
with me all along?'

My voice cane out quiet and cracked. Right there, in that moment, I felt sadder than I had ever felt before. I was losing the one person I cared more about than anything else in the entire world.

To be continued ~

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