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Author's note: I changed the last chapter so that all of this happens two months after what happened in Chapter 18. Hope you don't get confused :).

Tears started streaming down my cheeks as I brushed past Taehyung, grabbed my stuff and opened the door to leave. I stood there for a minute, waiting to see if he would turn around; tell me to not leave, tell me he was sorry, tell me he loved me.

But not a word left his mouth. He just stood there, facing away from me, and the only thing that could be heard in this awkward, desperate, depressing silence was the sound of my sobs. My heart felt weak and heavy and I didn't feel like moving but I couldn't stand to be there in his presence, where I wasn't wanted.

How did this silly argument even happen? Everything was completely fine before. But I come 'home' late to a tired and snappy Taehyung to discover that maybe things weren't fine after all. Did Taehyung really love me? It never seemed fake to me. But now doubts were filling my mind and I felt so utterly sad I just wanted to drop to the ground and disappear.

But what I wanted most of all was a hug. From him. Tae's hugs were the one thing that comforted me most in the entire world. The last time I had hugged him was... two weeks ago? It was then that I thaT realised me and Tae had barely seen each other, we had both been so busy. But I hadn't at all felt like we were distancing or anything like that. I had missed him a lot, of course, but at the same time I kinda didn't notice how much I had missed spending time with him because I was so busy. I could tell that our debut was coming sooner than we thought, maybe this year or next year.

But the ominous thought of our relationship ending kept popping into my head now and suddenly I couldn't care less about debuting or anything else for that matter.

The only thing I cared about was the man who was standing two metres behind me, ignoring me obliviously.

I took one last glance back at him. He still just stood there, completely still, waiting for me to leave. And I stepped into the darkness outside.


I cried and cried and cried. More than I had ever cried before. How could he do this to me? He was destroying me. This is what happened when you loved someone so much that your life basically depended on their existence. I didn't know what I'd do without him. But now I could lose him.

I let out another huge sob as I leaned against a lamppost. It was so dark and so late in the night. I was honestly terrified but too sad to care. And then it started to rain. I felt the cool droplets of water hit my already wet face one by one. It felt somewhat refreshing. But also even more saddening.

I needed someone, something to comfort me. To tell me that everything would be okay. Normally it would be Tae. But I didn't have him anymore, at least, not now. And after him, who did I rely the most on, apart from my parents/family? The rest of the members. (My members and Jihee too, but they would be fast asleep right now.)

Jimin, Hobi, Kookie, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. I needed them right now. But Tae probably needed them too. More than I did.

I continued weeping, for who knows how long, when I suddenly felt two strong arms gently grab my shaking shoulders and steady them. My tears abruptly stopped in shock and I looked up to see who it was. In the midst of the darkness surrounding me I could make out a pair of familiar deep brown eyes and then slowly the silhouette of a face too. I gasped in astonishment when I realised who it was. It was none other than....

Na Jaemin?...

To be continued ~


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