Chapter 5.Bryn

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It takes me a little while to get to the new club room, the hallway was way more crowded then usual. I just feel like somethings off you know, i complain to Aaron. She looks over at him and sees he's just staring at her. What? He doesn't respond he just averts his eyes to the ground. Bryns never seen him like this, his eyes look. Well she doesn't know that's whats so unsettling. His eyes look like he's deep in though, is it , greif, worry, confusion, rage. She doesn't know, so the least she can do is comfort him. She gabs his hand and holds tightly onto it. He squeezes his hand in return.

It takes a while to find the new clubroom, but eventually they do find it. Inside they find Damian failing miserably at small talk with Samantha. I love Sam, how can she not catch that Damian's liked her? Bryn thinks.

Bryn walks to the front of the room, catching everyone's attention. Last week of school. WHOS EXITED!?!?? Aaron cheers while Sam and Damian stare at them they they both each grew seven heads.

What's wrong? Damian talks first. Nothing. The real question is what's wrong with you Bryn? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, Aaron almost yells. But seriously why are you all so gloomy. We are not glooooooommmmeeeyyy, it's just one more week then poof, we all going to go are separate ways? We should do something! Something exiting, spontaneous. By now Sam was standing on top of the table. Let's go downtown, go bowling something!!! She smiles with all her heart. Bryn was already convinced, fiiinnneee we can go downtown. Yay!! Sam grabs Bryn to the top of the table, Let's go on all the rides! Sam yells. Damian just blushes and looks away smiling at Sams absurdness. It'll be a little field trip!!! Aaron says, he jumps in the air then kinda stands there. Also why are we so exited..? Bryn jumps down, and puts a hand over his mouth, Shut up and don't question it my love. Aaron just looks at her and muffled you talks. Your acting very out of character, here do you have a fever?

Sam jumps down with a thud, Nope let's go now, she runs out the door with the smile sill on her face, she runs down the hall not waiting up. Damian whispers to Bryn and Aaron, I'm pretty sure she's just high don't worry. Bryn laughs at that. You should ask her out Damian. He try's to look serious but blushes anyway. Mind your own business. And with that, they began there journey to downtown, were the start of summer festival was taking place

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