Chapter 4.Damian

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As the bell rings Damian walks into the hallway, it was the end off school and by the time two minutes flyes by he was already in the classroom where all his whole 3 friends meet after school, actually normally they meet in a small little room near the end of the building, but today they had a normal sized room. Damian didn't care if the club he was in sounded stupid, I mean it doesn't sound stupid it just sounds childish, The Mystery Club. Oooo where scooby and the gang, people would taunt. He's the first one in the room, no surprise there he always is, and examines the room as he grabs a chair and sits down. As said before it s normal sized room with a teachers desk and 27 desks for students. It's painfully bland in here, he though. No windows, barely any color, it made the room feel smaller then it was. Damian sits down and grabs out a book from his backpack. The book was on Poltergeist's , while Damian loves the paranormal he would never admit it, so then why would he have a book open for all to see? There was black duck tape on the book, Damian does this to all his books, he doesn't like it when people know his interests, he knows they can be used against you. After reading the book over and over again he still somehow finds it fascinating, even if he has read it before. That was Damian "deal" he loves reading, he loves writing even more then that, then why is he in the Mystery Club and not the literature club, or the creative writing club, well there was one reason. He turns his head shapely as someone knocks on the door, it was Sam. Oh how Damian loves Sam, he truly adores her more then anything. Oh hi, is all he can muster out. Hiya! She sits down next to him. Now how could a the emo ghost boy hate people but fall in love with a spontaneous, popular, loud, overly cute, texty girl. He even doesn't now. But from the moment he saw her, he knew that he wanted her. And you know jolly well that when he heard that Sam FINALY broke up with her horrid, boyfriend he became ecstatic, but, he'll never let anyone know that. How was yoouurrr dayyyy? Sam says. It was ok, how about you. It was good, she says and I know I say this all the time but I love Your British accent, and please tell me are you faking it because if so we can- Yes Damian had a British accent, hot right, no. At least that's what Damian though but half the girls in the school disagreed with him, to bad he's the emo ghost boy. Or else every girl would be on him like a pack of wolfs and a rabbit.

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