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Aleyah stared out at the snowy hills she called home. The frost nipped at her fingertips turning them red and sore. Arya ran around and she smiled at her beautiful little sister.
"Arya, Mother will shout so go get ready for the feast please?" She asks and Arya sighs and nods rolling her eyes at one of her favourite siblings. Arya couldn't help but admire the beauty of her eldest sister. Raven hair slipped down her back in loose curls and her blue eyes shone like stars in a night sky over Winterfell. Aleyah stares at the courtyard and watched Jamie Lannister follow the king. He stayed outside of the crypts and his gaze slowly found her sat on the balcony outside of her bedroom door. Footsteps broke her gaze with the kingslayer.
"Aleyah your mother wishes you to stop staring at the Lannister brother," Jon informs her and she smiles at her half brother. He smiled back before laughing.
"He took an oath sister, and you've heard the rumours?" He asks with a sly smirk on his face. The lady smiled back and slid herself off of the balcony edge.
"I'm just curious Jon, besides we all know father will marry me off soon to someone far away!" She sighs wrapping her arms around her. Jaime watches the whole exchange from below and smirks at the girls attitude. He watches as the siblings play fight before embracing and leaving each other. Lady Aleyah spares him a glance and a smirk before disappearing out of sight.

Aleyah slides her blue slippers on and slowly walks to the great hall for the banquet. Jon stands outside and she sighs and shakes her head walking over to him.
"Why aren't you inside Jon?" She asks softly and Jon smiles at the softness of his younger sister. Her heart reflected the beauty on her outside.
"Your mother decided that it would be disrespectful to have a bastard at the feast," He explains and she sighs and shakes her head furiously. He embraces her and smiles kissing her cheek.
"Sister do not worry, uncle Benjen is stopping by tonight!" He smiles excitedly and she nods and sighs.
"I'm so sorry Jon I have to go inside and mingle," She sighs and he nods and squeezes her hand before turning to continue his sword work.

Jamie watched as the young girl walked into the feast and felt his jaw tense as she took her seat next to the Greyjoy boy. The boy ogled at her and kept whispering in her ear making her uncomfortable. She slowly and quietly left outside and Jamie quietly followed. He wasn't a timid man and decided to talk to the girl- woman he meant.

Aleyah stared into the night realising she would end up marrying Theon.
"My lady it's a cold night what are you doing out here?" Jamie asks startling her and causing her to turn quickly. She places her hand on her chest before sighing.
"You could have killed me!" She snaps causing a smile on both of their faces. She steps forward and he notices the moonlight complemented her eyes perfectly. The more he looked the more beautiful she got.
"I'm out here because Theon keeps talking about how he will have my hand!" She explains and he nods and rest his arm on his sword. She glances down at it noticing the lion on his helm. He follows her eyes and nods. He realised she suddenly remembered he was a Lannister. Her big eyes blinked and she looked up into his own blue orbs before turning back around. He watched as her light blue dressed swished around her tiny waist. There wasn't anything he believed that would separate him and Cersie but the more he looked at this young lady the more he doubted it. He stood next to her and watched the hills rise and fall against the starry night backdrop.
"Isn't it beautiful? I get to call it home as well!" She gushes with a smile and he looks down at the pride in her face.
"Well it is stunning, but have you ever seen a sunset on the beach? Casterly Rock was a different kind of beauty you know," He comments intriguing the young girl even more. She stared at him and tried to figure out his complex mind.
"So Kingslayer? What do you miss most about your life before the kings guard huh?" She asks and he laughs and looks at her with a smirk.
"Obviously the women, it's Aleyah right?" He asks making sure he was correct, even though he knew. She nods and smiles biting her lip.
"Yes it is, Jamie," She murmurs softly. He stares at her as she walks away with a giant smile on her face. As she walks up the stairs to her bedroom he turns hearing footsteps.
"Oh brother you're going to upset some people if you choose to go down that route," Tyrion smirks with a flask of whatever godforsaken drink in his hand.
"I'm just curious Tyrion don't you worry your head!" Jamie snaps back as he watches the young girl walk back to her room. They were on a first name basis and he assumed this meant they were friends.

Jamie slammed in and out of Cersie at the top of the tower. It was early on a Sunday and no one would be around hopefully. He looks up as a little head popped round the window. It Brandon Stark. His heart broke at what he knew his sister would make him do.

Aleyah ran as she heard the thud of someone hitting the floor. All she could pray was that it wasn't her little brother. She ran to the bottom of the tower and let out a glass shattering scream. Bran lay at the bottom of the tower eyes closed, motionless. Jon ran round the corner and his jaw dropped.
"GET MOTHER AND MAESTER LUWIN JON!" She screamed out pulling off her cloak to wrap around the little wolf. Jaime and Cersie left the scene quietly but he glanced back and let go of his sisters hand to help the younger girl. Aleyah looked up and Jaime saw the tears glistening on her cheeks and the army of hurt waiting to fall from her eyes.
"Jamie help me please?" She begs quietly and he nods and slowly picks up the boy. Aleyah watches as Jon returns.
"They are in Brans room waiting let's go!" He says urgently and Jamie follows the young girl as she shows him the way. The door opens and Lady Stark pushes Jon back out of the room and pulls Aleyah and Jamie inside.
"Mother I can't watch, I can't I'm sorry I have to leave!" She whispers leaving.
"Oh Ser Jamie please follow her?" Lady Stark asks and he nods and leaves the scene he had caused.

Aleyah walked around the tower trying to find any proof of Bran slipping or being pushed. Jamie sighed following her. He stood and watched her before she looked up at him and held her knees to her chest.
"Jamie how did he slip? He's bran and Bran never ever slips!" She sighs and Jamie looks up before he takes a seat next to her. She furiously wiped her eyes and leant her head on his armoured shoulder. Gently he put his arm around her and rubbed her arm. He was Jamie Lannister what was he doing?
"We won't tell anyone about this right? You'd be accused of breaking your oath and I'd be married off to Theon!" She gasps and he smiles and nods. She stay on him for a while and stood looking out of the window he had previously pushed her brother from. She sighed and turned nodding to him before leaving down the stairs.

"Father! I'm going to be the only girl you're leaving here?" Aleyah asks and he nods and sighs.
"I won't be long! I will sort out the kingdom and hand over once I have done that," He promises and Aleyah shakes her head as her gut twists and turns. She felt terrible and shook her head.
"I want to come!" She demands and her father sighs and shakes his head. He stood tall and Aleyah nodded realising she had lost this fight. Jamie watched from the balcony as she hugged her father and sighed walking away with her head held high.
"Jamie? What is your obsession with the stark girl?" The King asks and Jamie shakes his head and shrugs.
"No obsession your majesty, just a curiosity," He answers with a sly smile and the King nods. Cersie watched with a jealous look as Jamie helped pack the carriages up.

Aleyah hugged Sansa tightly and kissed her forehead. The young girl smiled at the thought of being a princess. Arya held her tightly and kissed her cheek.
"I love you both, be safe my little ladies!" Aleyah smiles and they nod turning to their brothers. Ned brings his eldest daughter in close and kissed her forehead lightly.
"There must always be a Stark in Winterfell and you are by far the smartest," He whispers making her giggle. She hugs her father tighter and sighs as her gut twists and turns.
"Be safe father!" She pleads and he nods and smiles proudly. Jamie watches from his position next to the king and sighs as the Stark family dynamic. He would miss this young girl. She approaches him and gently nods with a small smile.
"Thank you, for everything," She sighs before nodding and leaving. Jamie watched as she pulled up her hood and headed to the stables. His gaze followed her until she had left his sight. He turned and saw Cersie staring straight at him. Her eyes screamed anger as she stormed into the carriage. Eddard Stark looked him up and down before mounting his horse to begin the long and tiring journey to kingslanding.

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