CHAPTER 2 - Waking Up Alone ...Again!

Start from the beginning

He left his office and looked for Leyla. Güliz informed him that Leyla had gone out with Emre for lunch. Damn! Cey Cey was no help either as he didn't know where Sanem could be.

The whole day passed as if each second was a minute, each minute an hour, each hour a week. Can was growing very uneasy. Images of Sanem's naked body assailed him constantly and he had trouble to keep himself and his desires under control. Ah Sanem Ah! What have you done to me?!

With a heavy heart, Can decided to go home. Leyla and Emre had never come back from their lunch break ... She would not answer her phone and he would not contact her parents or Ayhan because he didn't want to bother them. He knew that he had been very unfair to her and he was now paying the price of his harshness.

Unable to eat, unable to sleep, Can was restless. Everywhere he would see her. Everywhere he would hear the sound of her laughter. Everywhere he would catch the traces of her scent. Why would she torture him like that? Especially after the night of passion and bonding they had shared.

The morning slowly came and Can looked like a ghost. He hurried to the agency but Sanem was still missing. He jumped on Leyla, frightening the poor woman to death. But even her sister had no idea where she could be as she thought that they had made up at Can's cabin, in the mountain.

All of a sudden, waves of panic and worry hit Can. He left the agency and searched all her favourite spots.

The rocks were only visited by seagulls. Sanem! Where are you?

His cabin in the mountain was undisturbed. Sanem! Where the hell are you?

Her neighbourhood was busy with daily activities. Sanem! Sanem! Sanem!

Panic was starting to choke Can's throat. He was left but with one option: her parents. This was difficult for him, especially after their breaking up ... But he had no other solution left. It was going to be unpleasant ... but they were his last chance.

The door of Nihat and Mevkibe's shop was open and he stepped in, ill at ease, dreading their stare.

"Good day to you! Mr. Nihat ... Mrs. Mevkibe ..."

"Ah Can! How are you? Long time no see! I guess you were too busy at the agency?" Mevkibe answered gaily.

"Yes, we are very very busy at the moment and I ... We ... We need Sanem urgently but I can't reach her ... Do you know where I can find her please? It's quite important", uttered Can.

"She is not at the agency?" inquired Nihat, raising his eyebrows.

"No ... I haven't seen her for two days now ..." replied Can who became more and more anxious.

Mevkibe and Nihat looked at each other, panic in their eyes, hands shaking and short of breath. Each took their phones to call Leyla and Ayhan. No news of Sanem. Mevkibe stayed in the shop calling round all of her daughter's acquaintances while Nihat and Can were canvassing the neighbourhood in search of information. Nobody had seen Sanem for two days ... Nihat called the police and left for the station. Can stayed with Mevkibe until Leyla arrived and both fell crying in each other's arms.

Can had never felt so useless. He even called Akif and Metin. Sanem could not be found ...

Terrible and dark thoughts crossed his mind ... What if she had an accident with the scooter he had offered her ... Impossible, it was still parked at the agency. He started to call up every hospital in Istanbul. No Sanem Aydın had been admitted within the last two days ...

With each hour that passed, hope to find her soon diminished and anguish grew stronger and stronger, forming a knot in Can's throat. Could she ever forgive him for his inexcusable lack of faith in her? In them? Tears were running down his cheeks ... Where was she? Where was HIS Sanem? Nihat's voice startled him out of his misery.

"Go home, son. I will call you ... Don't worry! You have my word", assured Nihat.

"Ok. Thank you ... Please call me at any time .. Day or night ..", added Can.

So he left ... Not knowing where to go. Sanem was his only reason to stay in Istanbul. His only reason to stay ... well ... alive. Before Sanem, he was just a ghost roaming the continents in search of beauty and purity. And he had been lucky enough to find it here, in Istanbul, of all places ....

Oh God, what would he do to have her secure in his arms! What would he give to feel her sweet breath on his skin!

Unable to find comfort anywhere, Can fled to the seaside, his eyes looking on the horizon.

* * *

After talking to Can, Metin had felt very uneasy because he had lied to him ... again! But he had promised Sanem he would not say anything to anyone and he would keep his word.

Leaving Him - A Canem StoryWhere stories live. Discover now