waiting and hoping

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You are by Alexander's bedside and he is fully conscious 

"Hello (Y/N) what are you doing here?" he says a little confused because you didn't tell him why you were moving to Chicago

"you know how I told you I was moving to Chicago and I never told you why," you say starting to fill him in

"yes?" he replies but he works it out from the logo on your scrubs

"is that because you got your residency here?"

"yes and I've let Tommy know you've ended up in this situation," You say 

but he doesn't respond and you notice he has gone into a catatonic seizure 

"I need help get me two miles of epi" you command to anyone who is listening 

A nurse comes in with a needle and passes it to you 

"2 mL of epi," the nurse says

you notice his stats dropping and you grow concerned. You inject the needle into his arm. you see his stats improving a little bit but his O2 stats have stayed the same.

"I need to intubate," you say 

Five minutes later with Alexander stable, you are on the balcony wishing you could do something else to help your mentor but your thoughts are interrupted 

"(Y/N)?" Will asks seeing a look of concern on your face 

"not now Will I need some time alone," you snap back as your emotions finally take hold 

"that's not what I am here for," he retorts back 

"I'm here for emotional support which you are going to need," 

"what I need is for you to leave me alone until I ask for help," you are so overwhelmed you start crying

Will pulls you into an embrace to try and comfort you and you do nothing to resist but you know deep down you just want to be alone. 

"Look if it helps I can ask Sharon if I can swap patients with you so it can make the situation a little easier on you," Will suggests because he has had experience with personal connections to patients before and he wants to protect you from the pain that will come.

"well, I will continue as his doctor but thank you for trying to help," you manage to say between sobs 

"remember I'm here if you need," Will says finally releasing you from his embrace 

"ok" you reply hoping that the situation will get better, not worse 

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