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the next day you are walking to the entrance to the waiting room but before you can make you see Will running to catch up to you and you stop 

"hey Will" you say as he catches up to you 

"Thanks for waiting (Y\N)" he replies 

"no problem, do you think we will have anything interesting today?" you ask Will as you reach the entrance with Will

 "aside from the VR simulator no let me get that for you" he says holding the door for you 

"thanks Will" you say as you guys enter through the door. Five minutes later you and Will reach the central workstation 

"April do you know if there is an OR that doctor Halstead and I can use for the VR simulator?" you ask

"um let me see" April replies as she types some stuff on to the computer "yes there is OR five is available how long will you guys need it for" 

"two hours" you reply

thirty minutes later and you and Will are in the operating theatre using the VR simulator

"so (Y\N) this is why we have trouble fixing gunshot victims with vital organs that got clipped" he says as he imputes the data in to the simulator 

"We are looking at a gunshot victim whose stomach has been clipped by the bullet" he says 

"ok so let's get suction going" you say as you do it on the simulator 

"and we clamp the area" Will confirms and does the action 

"then you add the scouter and close" you add

 "but you see that's where it gets tricky because the thread normally used damages the area further" he states

"then use a thinner thread" you say as you close the wound on the simulator 

"and the patient survives the operation and possibly the gunshot wound" you say proud of your work

"but try it in real life" Will says squashing  your moment of pride 

"ok then doctor Halstead the next gunshot victim that has a vital organ clipped I'm on it" you reply with sass

two hours later and doctor Halstead has ran through all the vital organs with you and you are back at the centre workstation 

"so how was it" doctor Manning asks 

"how was what" you reply

"I assume that Will was showing you something with the VR simulator" she says 

"yes he was showing me why the teacher I had in med school told us that it's not likely that a gunshot victim that has a vital organ clipped or shot survives" you say trying to sound smart

"we have a GSW on the way ETA two minutes" nurse April Sexton announces "ok I've got this" you say as you get a pair of gloves on. Two minutes later and two paramedics come in with a man who was shot in the stomach 

"ok we need to get him to the OR immediately" you demand

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