a friend in need

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You are talking to one of your patients 

"so (Y\N) when do you think I will get better" the patient asks 

"it depends if I did a good job or not" you say half joking 

"well have you done a good job" he asks 

" well yes I did" you reply 

"I think the nurse wants to talk you (Y|N)" the patient says noticing Maggie at the door

"excuse me" you say as you get up

"what is it Maggie" 

"we have a GSW to the chest" she informs you gravely 

"have you told Connor? because I may need is help" you ask 

"yes I have now you have three minutes to get ready" she replies

Two minutes later and the paramedics have arrived with the GSW and happens to be Will's brother Jay 

"we need to get him prepped for the OR immediately and don't tell Will that we have his brother yet" you bark out the orders  

"hey (Y|N) we have the shooter as well with a deep cut to his left arm" one of the paramedics tell you

"Maggie can you deal with it please" you say as you are getting Jay prepped for surgery

Ten minutes later and you and Connor have started the surgery. You are looking at Jay's exposed heart and you notice that the bullet is two centimetres from his heart 

"he is lucky that the bullet didn't hit anything important" Connor remarks 

"well let's get the bullet out clamp" you say 

"clamp" Connor Parrots back as he passes you a clamp. You clamp one of the small veins surrounding the bullet.

two hours later and you have everything under control you just need to remove the bullet. 

"so have told Will yet?" Connor asks 

"no I can't bring myself to, forceps" you reply 

"forceps and is that because Jay is Will's brother" he says as he passes you a pair of forceps 

"you've figured it out" you say as you carefully extract the bullet.

"It doesn't take much to figure that kind of thing out" he quips 

"eureka I've got it we can close" you relived that nothing eventful happened. 

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