an interesting case

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"(Y\N) we have a man with a broken arm waiting in trauma 2 he says he is in a lot of pain" Maggie informs you as you enter the emergency room 

"ok thanks" you reply as you walk into the room 

"are you the doctor" the man says in clear pain 

"yes I am can you tell me what caused you to break your arm" you reply 

"I was doing some gardening and then I tripped over a log and here I am please can you give me some painkillers" the man begs you 


"we will get you an X-ray ASAP" 

"one dose of morphine" April announces as she passes you a needle

 "ok thanks" you say as you jab the needle in to the man's arm

"thanks for the painkillers, the name is Cole can I buy you a drink some time" the man replies 

"umm no I have a boyfriend already" you say as you glance at Dr Halstead 

"well bless the lucky man because  you are gorgeous" Cole says

 "I'll be back with the results of your x-ray" you say awkwardly as you leave

n hour later and you are at the centre workstation pondering the results of the man's x-ray 

"excuse me doctor Charles can I talk to you for a second" you say as doctor Daniel Charles walks past you 

"yes you can (Y\N)" he replies 

"well the man I have in trauma room 2 only has a hairline fracture but he is acting like the bone has been shattered" you say

"so you are saying he is psychosomatic" he asks 

"yes I am let me show you to him and be warned he might try and flirt with me" you say getting up

"that's fine" he replies

a moment later you and doctor Charles are talking to Cole 

"so doc is my arm going to be ok" he asks 

"well to my surprise you've only got a hairline fracture but the problem is your acting like it has been shattered" you say as you pass him his chart 

"and because of that I have asked doctor Charles to consult" 

"ok so I don't need surgery" Cole asks  as he gives you back the chart

"no you don't I'll leave you two alone then I'll be back to plaster your arm" you say as you leave

Another hour later and you are plastering Cole's arm for him 

"so what did doctor Charles have to say" you  ask 

"well he said I am psychosomatic but other than that I am fine" he replies 

"well that's good now remember to come here in two weeks to get the cast taken off" you say as you finish plastering his arm

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