Yes, the Schuyler's truly were the envy of all

As everyone settled into the ball, the door opened loudly and some already quite intoxicated soldiers walked in. A man with a beanie stumbles as he yelled "Ladiesss!" Angelica was standing next to her sisters and they all laughed and scoffed at this man's behavior. Another walked in with a thick French accent, who was equally intoxicated, and was yelling "Revolution! Amenez les dames au lit pour la révolution!"

Angelica's sisters gasped at this man's vulgarity. Except for Angelica, who burst out laughing. People looked at her with disgust and she heard someone whisper "She's a Schuyler? That poor man. What a truly unladylike young woman!" It took everything in her not to grab a glass of wine and hit that woman with it. Another man with a ponytail was scolding his fellow soldiers for making a fool of themselves. Peggy looked at him, astonished by his maturity. She winked at her sisters and whispered.

"Oh yes, this one's mine"

Angelica and Eliza looked at each other and smirked. Well Angelica smirked, Eliza smiled

"You have fun, Peggy..." Angelica said, knowing full well what she planned to do with that man tonight

"Yes, Peggy. Please, be safe! If he hurts you let us know!" Eliza reassured her sister

Peggy walked away, and Eliza looked at Angelica with excitement. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she was going to pop.

"Angie! She's finally getting a man! She's going to be happy! They're going to get married, have children, grow old together, I'm so excit-"

Eliza was going on and in about how happy she was that Peggy was getting a suitor, whilst Angelica looked at her whilst a confused face.

"Slow down, Eliza. What on Earth are you talking about?"

"Oh, didn't you see? She said "this one's mine!" She's obviously wanting to get closer to him, right? She wants to marry him, yes?" Eliza has the look of a child with eyes full of wonder.

That's when Angelica realized, Eliza didn't understand what Peggy meant.

"No, Eliza, she meant that he was her's for the night. Not forever. She wants to get closer to him, yes. Not emotionally, but *ahem* physically." Angelica explained as best as she could without popping Eliza's little bubble.

Eliza was very religious, thus being very sheltered. There was a lot of things she didn't know, which was shocking considering she was 23 years of age. Hell, Peggy knew more and she was a year younger than her.

"Oh- OH!" Eliza realized, or at least she thought she did "Is she more of the hug first, get acquainted later type of person?" Angelica was astonished that Eliza got hugging when Angelica said "physical"

"Yeah, that's what I meant. Hugging."

Lastly, the General of the Continental Army, George Washington, stepped in with a sort of sophistication. Everyone looked at him and applauded, but no one, except Angelica, saw him. George's right hand man. Mr. Washington picked up a glass of fine wine and raised it to the air, encouraging everyone to do the same. He was about to give a speech

"I, thank you all for letting us attend such a formal event. To begin, an update on the war. To keep it short, we're not doing very well. We are short of supplies and weapons, but we are trying our best. We will continue to persevere through our circumstances to win the war, for the people. For the country. And for the belief that we are our own people, and we can run a nation without some "king" regulating the price of tea. Raise a glass to freedom, to the revolution!"

Rewind (A Hamilton AU/ Hamgelica AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora