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Jimin didn't wear his make-up the following day. A purple bruise and scarlet gash that decorated one side of his face now stung to the touch. It was worse than yesterday; his foundation wouldn't cover it anyway. Jimin didn't brush his hair nor change his clothes - he wasn't ready to see his body yet. Instead he picked himself up and made his way to school.

Again by his locker he saw Jungkook. A sickening feeling flooded his senses as he became aware of the state he was in. However, he'd come to school like this before.

Opening his locker provided Jimin with a distraction from Jungkook's piercing eyes but it was short lived. Turning to leave, Jimin was pushed into the lockers.
"The fuck happened to you?"
Jimin felt a sudden burning anger ignite within him, Jungkook had asked so passively that Jimin wasn't even sure if it was a question.
"Let go of me."
That smirk. It pushed Jimin over the edge. He grabbed a fist full of Jungkook's hair and pulled his head back with all his strength.
"Get your disgusting fucking hands off me."
Jungkook's glare hardened but he didn't move, not until Jimin tried to push him away. This seemed to flip a switch in Jungkook's mind. He pulled Jimin behind the lockers, a blind spot to anyone passing by. They continued to stare at each other with eyes full of hatred.
"You fucked Taehyung once, that doesn't make you queen bitch,"
"I could fucking have you right now if I wanted,"
Jimin remained silent whilst Jungkook spat these hurtful words in his face until,
"You're lucky I wouldn't touch someone like you,"
Jimin laughed out loud, of all the sluts Jungkook had associated himself with, Jimin was definitely a step up. Jungkook moved his face closer to Jimin's, tilting it so that strands of his raven black hair fell in front of his eyes.

Jungkook bit his lip before connecting them to Jimin's. Jimin was motionless at first,
"You're beautiful, Jimin-ssi."
They connected again but this time Jimin's resistance melted away. Their arms found their way around one and other, pulling them closer. As Jungkook's tongue met Jimin's all resentment and frustration seemed to disappear.

When they pulled away it was silent for a moment. Jungkook looked at the elder boy from top to bottom and rolled his eyes.


You're Beautiful// Jikook (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now