Epilogue ✔

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Age: 21

"How are you handling things? With reality I mean?" Diara asked as they sat down in the chair next to my bed. It had been a month since I woke up, I was home and in the bed that I shared with Kade.

Everyone had been so nice about my dream and some of my confusion. When Kade and Aiden had taken me home from the hospital, it was so strange, everyone in our neighborhood was in my dream.

"It's great. I mean, my coma dream was amazing- a real dream come true. But being here, with the real Kade and Aiden and everyone else. It is just so much better, Although dream Aiden listened a lot more than real Aiden, we haven't been able to get him back to school. He's been glued to my side since I woke up, the only reason he's off now is he needed to shower." Diara nodded and grinned at me. After waking up and getting a rough description of my life before, I learned that Diara was my best friend.

"It's so good to have you back band-aid," I glared at them as they busted into a fit of laughter. I smiled as Aiden walked into the room and climbed back into bed with me, clinging to my arm and constantly looking at my face as if making sure I was still awake.


Age: 23

It had been two years since I had woken up from the coma and pretty much everything was back to normal. I didn't have to worry about finding a job since Kade worked and I took care of the house and kids.

After I completely recovered from my coma and had every memory in my mind correct, Kade and I decided to grow our family more and adopt another child.

"Dad, where should I put the cake?" Aiden asked as he walked up to me with a big sheet cake in his arms. About a week ago then, he sat me and Kade down and we had a long awkward discussion about how he was uncomfortable calling me daddy because he heard a girl call her boyfriend that on the bus.

The cake was for Aiden's little sister, Luna, it was her 3rd birthday. I smiled at him and pointed at the picnic table next to the one covered in gifts, "That one over there, make sure you keep her out of it too, Monkey. The guests will be here any minute."


Age: 31

"Happy birthday dear papa~ happy birthday to you~!!" The kids and I sang while walking into the bedroom where Kade was once peacefully sleeping. The two youngest kids jumped on top of him fully waking him up with a smile.

"Now, you guys know I didn't want to do anything for my birthday." He stated while hugging Mikey and Neo, our two youngest kids, both 4 years old. They're identical twins who we had just adopted a couple of months before Kade's birthday.

"Yeah, well you should know that we don't listen to you, Papa," Aiden said while dumping a load of gifts onto the bed.

"I just don't want to take the spotlight from you, monkey. Graduating from high school is a big deal." Kade said as he took one of the gifts that Neo handed him with a big smile.

Everything about Neo and Mikey was the same. They both had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. There were only two differences between them; the clothes they wore and their personalities. Neo liked soft pastel colors while Mikey liked loud bright colors. Neo was quiet and shy while Mikey was loud and outgoing. I would've worried for Neo if Mikey wasn't always by his side, keeping him company.

"Well, why don't we get up and move this into the living room? We'll all be able to sit comfortably, and we can watch a movie together before Aiden need to be at the school." I said while clapping my hands together to get my family's attention.

Neo and Mikey cheered loudly and ran to the living room, Luna following behind them with a small smirk. Aiden went to follow but stopped and turned to us. "I just wanna say thank you, for adopting me, for loving me, and for being there for me through all my troubling times. I love you guys so much and I am so happy to be able to call you guys my dads."

"Oh, monkey, you don't need to thank us for adopting you. We love you and have ever since we first saw you." I said with tears in my eyes as I pulled Aiden in for a hug.


Age: 67

"Grandpa! Paw Paw!" My grandchildren yelled as they ran to the house that I'd lived in for so many years. They ran up the steps to the porch where I sat.

"Grandpa, Paw Paw! Do you wanna see my backflip?!" Little Suey asked with excitement. She looked just like Luna.

Suey did the backflip like it was as easy as walking.

"Great job sweet pea. Now, why don't we go inside to watch a movie while we eat dinner? Grandpa made something surprising!"

All the kids, including the adults, cheered loudly while running inside to claim a seat and a plate.


Age: 87

Driving in the car with Kade at the wheel makes me feel so safe, especially when people can be so careless and reckless. We're on our way to see the kids because they're moving far away so we won't see them for a long time.

Thinking about my life always made me sad before, that my coma wasn't real, and I was a normal human again. But my long happy life with Kade and all the kids and grandkids, makes me feel not so normal. I'm happy with my life even if it wasn't filled with the supernatural creatures I read about.

"Sweetheart, take my hand?" Kade asks with a smile on his face, but his voice sounds slightly stressed. I take his hand in mine and squeeze tightly. "I love you, you're my world and I've cherished our life together."

"I love you too Kade! You make me feel loved and no-so-normal." I say with a smile. "But what's wrong?"

He glances at me with a strained smile. "I don't want to worry you, but the brakes are out."

My eyes widen as I sit up more in my seat. "Okay, try the brakes again. If that doesn't work, we need to pull the emergency break and slowly get off the road."

"How do you know that?" he asks as he does as I told him.

"I have four kids, eleven grandkids, and ten great-grandkids. I'm going to worry so I make myself prepared."

He smiles and shakes his head. "I was just going to kiss you and let fate decide."

I gasp, "Kade Smith! Tell me you're joking right now!"

"If I was going to go out, I wanted to go out kissing." He says as the car comes to a stop.

I awe at him. "As romantic as that is. I'm not allowing you to drive for a while. Let's call Aiden to pick us up. Be thankful if I don't tell him and his husband about this little stunt of yours." I say as I dial Aiden's number and put it on speaker.

"His husband doesn't scare me. The guy is a big puppy dog."

"Who is a puppy?" Aiden's husband says over the phone causing Kade to jump.

"Hey, our brakes went out. Think you could pull Aiden away from Jayden's game so he can come to get us?"

"Of course, dad. I'll send him your way as soon as I can. Are you guys alright?" He asks causing me to look at Kade with a smile.

"Yea, we're fine," I say.

Kade may be a fool sometimes in his old age, but he is my fool. And I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He's the love of my life and he has given me so many wonderful memories.

And because I was able to guide him off the road, we can make so many more.

The End

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