Chapter 13 ✔

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Four days. It had been four days since they had gone missing. Conan was going wild in my head; we had sent trackers to look for Ace and Aiden, but they'd come up empty-handed.

The annoyance of a ringing phone had me growling in anger. "What." I snapped as I answered it.

"Alpha Smith, this is James Stone of the Silver Moon pack. We heard that you were missing your mate and decided to do some searching. I think we may have some information for you." My heart froze. "Some of my trackers found an abandoned house in between our lands. There were lights on and they could hear crying. They said it sounded like a young boy."

"Aiden," I whispered in relief. "I'll be there in ten minutes; can your people lead us to the house?" I asked as I sent a pack-wide link telling some of them to get ready to leave.

After getting the go-ahead from Stone I all but ran out of the house. I shifted and began to run. I wasn't even off the pack land when ten wolves joined me.

Within minutes we were meeting Stone at the edge of his land. I shifted back, everyone ignored the fact that I was naked and cut to the chase.

"If you'll just follow us, we can take you straight to the house." Stone said before shifting to his wolf. I quickly followed his lead and linked the pack to follow.

It only took us another ten minutes to get to the house. It was a two-story house and there was nothing surrounding it. There were lights on in one room downstairs and one upstairs. I strained my ears to try and hear anything from inside. But I couldn't hear anything. I sniffed around and caught the faint scent of Ace.

I growled as I walked closer to the house, linking to the pack that he was there. As we got closer to the house, there was a crash from inside.

The wolves beside me tensed as the front door opened. A young woman with blond hair stepped out with a shotgun in hand. "You can't have him!" She yelled, "I won't let you take my mate! Ace is mine!"

I shifted and yelled back, "Ace is my mate. I won't leave here without him."

She cocked the shotgun in anger and pointed it toward us. "I said leave!" Just before she could pull the trigger, a young man from Stone's group stepped forward. The woman's grip on the gun loosed slightly at the sight of the man.

"Mate" The man whispered as he started to make his way toward the woman slowly.

"I-I don't understand. You can't be." She looked conflicted like she was debating running to the man or running inside. "But I was so sure." By then the man had made his way to her and he gently took the gun from her hand. The woman gasped loudly as their skin touched.

The man gestured us forward, but I told the others to stay back. I quickly walked toward the two. "Alpha Smith," The man began "I'm Thomas, I beg that you have mercy and spare the life of my mate. I promise I will make sure she never does anything like this again."

"That all depends on the state of my mate," I said before walking into the house. While on my way to Ace, I picked up a towel from the bathroom to wrap around my waist. I opened the door where Ace's scent was strongest.

Inside was Aiden laying down staring at the ceiling while Ace slept next to him. When Aiden saw me, he happily yelled, "Papa!" and jumped up from the bed. To say I was shocked was an understatement. He jumped on the bed a few times before jumping toward me. I caught him with ease but was still shocked by what he had called me.

Aiden's shout woke Ace up, he gasped awake and frantically searched for Aiden in the bed. He looked up at me and tears filled his eyes. "Kade" He breathed, he got up from the bed and hugged me, squishing Aiden in between us in the process.

"Daddy! Papa!" He shouted. I looked down at him and smiled.

"So, I wasn't imagining that. Care to explain?" I asked Ace, he looked at the wall awkwardly.

"Talk about it later? I really just want to get home and s-sleep with you. I-I mean! Sleep, sleep. No-not the other sleep. Not that I'm against that but maybe not so soon." He rambled on causing me to smile.

"I love you, let's go home," I said while leading the two out of the house.

"Can I stay with you, papa?" Aiden asked as he tiredly laid his head on my shoulder. Before I could answer he was asleep.

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