Yes he was weak, and yet he glared at the stranger that dare speak those words to him.

"You seem to be aware that you are weak," The pretty flower says. "Good, I won't have to waste time teaching you self awareness. We can skip to the fun part" He spoke. His hand laying flat at the center of Tory's chest and disrupting the Omicron's attempted of sitting up.

In a matter of slow-moving seconds, the pretty safe hovered inches away from Tory's. The tall, slim and firm body of the strange kidnapped pressed over his own.

"What are you?-" The shifter began only to be silenced as the vampire pulled away, creating much-needed space between their faces. Though the omicron hadn't the time to be grateful as the sheets that covered his half nudity was throw off and he found his legs pressed to his chest. The sudden action caused an awkward pull at the back of his thigh and the breath to be caught in his throat. Once again the pretty face appeared in his vision. He was too close and his voice sounded too pleased as he voiced a single word.


The slight curved of the right corner of his lip was not lost to the omicron. Nevertheless, assuming that this wasn't some random attack, Tory did as he was told and endured as he was twisted and turned. His limbs and joints pulled and push in various positions until the kidnapper was satisfied and hopped off the bed just as smoothly as he had hopped on. 

"You are very flexible" He praised, his eyes laughing as Tory quickly took the opportunity to sit up and fix the revealing hospital gown on his persona.

"Your reach is short"The flower continued, ignoring the glare the little-cursed shifter directed at him. "Do you have a weapon of choice?" He later asked, though he didn't await a response and instead added. "No matter, we'll get you one"

"I prefer barehanded" Tory informed. Moving to stand only for a hand to me once again pressed to his chest and for him to find himself flat on his back. His vision captures a pair of narrowed grey eyes. Tory struggled helplessly, the body of the kidnapper was slim and tall, giving him an awkward appearance.

 Yet, Tory decovered that the body that could describe as skinny was quite firm solid. Able to command over Tory's body without giving the appearance of effort. Completed the air of danger that surrounded the pretty stranger. Like the thorns of a rose. 

"Under my teaching, you'll do as told," The stranger says as he loomed over his not yet student. "Only the strong have the right to an opinion." 


The Lord stood at the on the balcony overlooking training field that greeted him every morning. Only, it was not morning but night. And instead of birds, the sound of metal meeting metal greeted his ears and spark of collision flashing like dragonflies in flight. The starless skies bath them in darkness dark and yet not quite as the blood red moon bleed it's light across the scene beneath.

A child or a man that should be a child traded blows with one that was not weak and yet, seemed no stronger than a fawn when standing before he who Aldrich seeded to be Lord after himself.

Aquatic eyes, took in the progress of this successful spawning while his mind reminded itself of the weakness. His son lacked what he himself as vampires lacked. Blood. But where they could live 10, 20 even 30 years without a drop of the crimson essence.

Kiirios was currently unable to go more than a handful of days. Even for one that had recently emerged and was in the middle of their maturing stage, his thirst was great. And though Viivi theorized later stability, she had little hope that he would be able to go more than a month before becoming crazed with thirst. To make matters worse, the only one that could provide the blood that would quench such a fear-stricken hunger was a cursed shifter with the inability to defend himself.

But there was a greater weakness than his dependence.

A sigh past the thin lips of the Lord just as a blood-chilling scream pierced the sounds of battle and echoed across the darkness of the night. Aldrich's blue eyes remain passive as they took in the scene of the instructor kneeling before the 6 foot and growing figure of his son. A sword buried in his middle while another was placed at the curve of his neck, ready for beheading. Even in this distance, the lord could clearly smell of fear as it left every pore of he who is one of the top 10 fighters of this realm, number 8 to be more specific.

Blue eyes saw the terror in wide swollen eyes as well as the sweat that dripped from his face. But what more important for the ruling Lord was the curving of thin lips and shine of delight in bleeding eyes. An aura of madness could be felt across the distance, the air so thick with the insanity that it causes shivers to run up the spine of nearly all who was unfortunate enough to be in its presence.

Even the Lord could not stop his bodily response as his claws emerged and his fangs lengthened, preparing to defend against what his instincts recognized as a threat. Aldrich withness the beheaded of a great soldier. His calmness unwavering when those red orbs of sight turned to meet his own narrowed gaze with a challenge.

Greater than his dependence was his son's blunt disregard for authority and social standing. He was a predator, attacking whoever he determined was strong. Continuously aiming to be at the top, aiming to be Lord. No different from the man who wishes to take his place, no different than the man who killed the former Lord and now reign sleeplessly. Curse to be forever awake. 

But this was not simply a weakness of Kiirios himself. It was the weakness of the strong and the ambitious. 

"Father" The deep voice of a boy in the middle of puberty called in a calm tone. "I have beheaded your fighter. Where is my reward?" He was asked and Aldrich could not help but smirk.

Instantly, the reigning lord disappeared from the balcony in a fold of space and emerged but an inch away from the beheaded body. Carelessly, he ignored his son as he reached to free the sword from the middle of the soldier and then, with the wave of his hand he moves both the severed head and body to where he once stood on the balcony where it could regenerate away from their battle. Only then did the Lord acknowledge his son, easily deflecting his sudden attack.

"Are you certain you don't wish to rest" The father began in a teasing tone. "You took ten minutes more than I had hoped in defeating Grimm.' He continued breaking away from his son and with the flick of his wrist drew blood from his offspring. Watching with a dull sense of pride as the wound he had just inflicted on Kiirio's arm slowly healed itself. " You won't defeat me with such results" 

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